Home > other >  AS3.0 don't have access to an empty object reference properties or methods.
AS3.0 don't have access to an empty object reference properties or methods.


I was a little white, I think in the class to load an external video, encountered the following problem:
Ap. As the code is as follows:
Package test {
The import flash. Media. Video;
The import flash.net.NetConnection;
The import flash.net.NetStream;
The import flash.events.Net StatusEvent;
The import flash. Display. Sprite;
The import flash. Events. Event

The public class extends sp Sprite {

Var theVideo: Video;//video object
Var theNet: NetConnection;//connection object
Var theNets: NetStream;//data stream objects

The public function (sp) {

The public function InitVars () : void {
Var theVideo=new Sprite ();
TheVideo=new Video (1920, 1080);
TheVideo. X=theVideo. Y=0;
AddChild (theVideo);
TheNet=new NetConnection ();
TheNet. Connect (null);

TheNets=new NetStream (theNet);
TheNets. Client=this;

TheVideo. AttachNetStream (theNets);

The public function LoadMovie () : void {
TheNets. Play (" adornment picture always. Mp4 ");
TheNets. AddEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET _STATUS, onStatusHandler);

The public function onStatusHandler (e: NetStatusEvent) : void {
Var evtCode: String=e.i show nfo. Code;
The switch (evtCode) {
Case NetStream. Play. "Start" :


Case NetStream. Play. "Empty" :


Case NetStream. Play. "Full" :


Case "NetStream. Play. StreamNotFound" :


Case "NetStream. Play. Stop" :

RemoveVedio ();

//unloading video
The public function RemoveVedio () : void {
TheNets. Pause ();
TheNets. The dispose ();
TheVideo. The clear ();
The removeChild (theVideo);


The code in the fla is as follows:
The import test. Sp;
Var onesp: sp=new (sp);
Onesp. LoadMovie ();
Onesp. InitVars ();

When running in the output panel display is as follows:
TypeError: Error # 1009: unable to access attributes or methods of empty object references,
The at test: : sp/LoadMovie ()
At video document 2 _fla: : MainTimeline/frame1 ()

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