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Pyppeteer problem, click the button in your web page or label, jump to the new open label, how to ge


In pyppeteer, in A page after clicking on A button or label, waiting to pop up A new page B, when B page opens, the first time for page B object, which can obtain to B page elements, excuse me what method can achieve that? Or what functions can be realized, seek guidance, thank you!!!!!
Async def main () :
Print (' main ')
Width, height=1800, 900,
Browser=await launch (
{" headless ": False, 'userDataDir: r" \ "temporary," args ": [f' - Windows - size={width}, {height} '], 'dumpio: True,
'autoClose: False})
Page=await the brought ()
Await page. SetViewport ({' width: the width, 'height: height})
Await page. Goto (' http://news.baidu.com/')
Await page. WaitForSelector (' # pane - news & gt; Div & gt; Ul & gt; Li. Hdline3 & gt; Strong & gt; A ', # 300000} {' timeout ':)
Await asyncio. Gather (
Page. Click (' # pane - news & gt; Div & gt; Ul & gt; Li. Hdline3 & gt; Strong & gt; A '),
Page. WaitForNavigation ({' waitUntil ':' load ', 'timeout' : 0})
Url=await page. Url ()
Print (url)
Print (" AAA ")

If __name__=="__main__ ':
Asyncio. Get_event_loop (.) run_until_complete (the main ())

In this example, probably how to get to the last open pages in the first time the object? Behind 3 behavior what I this code and also can't perform to print out the url and AAA, thank you
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