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DynamicComponent send value from child to the parent


I have a class that represents the necessary data for creating a DynamicComponent:

public class ComponentMetadata
    public string? Name { get; set; }
    public Dictionary<string, object> Parameters { get; set; } = 
        new Dictionary<string, object>();

I have a custom table component that uses ComponentMetadata to add some dynamic component to the table:


<table >
        @foreach (var RowTemplateConfig in RowTemplateConfigs)
            if (RowTemplateConfig.DataItem is not null)
                  <td> @RowTemplateConfig.DataItem </td>
                 @if(RowTemplateConfig.ComponentMetadata is not null)
                     Type= RowTemplateConfig.ComponentMetadata.Name
                     Parameters= RowTemplateConfig.ComponentMetadata.Parameters />

@code {
    public class RowTemplateConfig 
      public ComponentMetadata ComponentMetadata { get; set;}
      public string DataItem { get; set; }
    public RenderFragment? TableHeader { get; set; }

    public List<RowTemplateConfig> RowTemplateConfigs {get; set;}

I have also other custom components for example Button custom component:


<button type="button"

@code {
 public string Style { get; set; }
 public string Text { get; set; }
 public EventCallback<object> OnBtnClick { get; set; }

 private async Task BtnClick(object item) 
  await OnBtnClick.InvokeAsync(item);

I want to use my TableTemplate.razor in some razor page:


@page "/pets1"


<TableTemplate RowTemplateConfigs =RowTemplateConfigs  TItem =string>

@code {
    private List<RowTemplateConfig> RowTemplateConfigs = new()
        RowTemplateConfig = new () 
          DataItem = "Bigglesworth",
          ComponentMetadata = new()
           Name= typeof(MyButton).
           Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>()
            { nameof(MyButton.Style), "btn btn-outline-success" }
            { nameof(MyButton.OnBtnClick),  EventCallback.Factory.Create<object>(this, OnTestClick)},
            { nameof(MyButton.Text), "Hi"}
        RowTemplateConfig = new () 
          DataItem = "Saberhagen",
          ComponentMetadata = new()
           Name= typeof(MyButton).
           Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>()
            { nameof(MyButton.Style), "btn btn-outline-success" }
            { nameof(MyButton.OnBtnClick),  EventCallback.Factory.Create<object>(this, OnTestClick)},
            { nameof(MyButton.Text), "Hi"}
       //rest of the lest ...

 private async Task OnTestClick(object sender)
  // I want to catch the name of the pet here when user click on the button
   await Task.Delay(20);

My Question:

When user clicks on MyButton in TableTemplate in pets1.razor I want to catch the element (name of pet) in the event OnTestClick.

Thanks and sorry for long question, I appreciate any suggestion.

CodePudding user response:

You need to add a Pet Name parameter to the button component, load it and then submit the property back on the callback event.

Here's a modified version of your code (with a few typo and type fixes). Note: I code with Nullable enabled.


public class ComponentMetadata
    public Type Name { get; set; } = default!;
    public Dictionary<string, object> Parameters { get; set; } =
        new Dictionary<string, object>();


<button type="button"  @onclick=BtnClick>

@code {
 [Parameter] public string? Style { get; set; }
 [Parameter] public string? Name { get; set; }
 [Parameter] public string? Text { get; set; }
 [Parameter] public EventCallback<string> OnBtnClick { get; set; }

 private async Task BtnClick() 
    =>  await OnBtnClick.InvokeAsync(this.Name);

And then the rest of the code rolled into my test page:

@page "/"

@foreach (var component in myDynamicComponents)
    <DynamicComponent Type="@component.ComponentMetadata.Name" Parameters=component.ComponentMetadata.Parameters />

<div >
    <strong>Message:</strong> @message
@code {
    private string message = string.Empty;

    private RowTemplateConfig GetRowTemplate(string petName)
        => new RowTemplateConfig
                DataItem = petName,
                ComponentMetadata =
                new ComponentMetadata()
                    Name = typeof(MyButton),
                    Parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                    { nameof(MyButton.Style), "btn btn-outline-success ms-1" },
                    { nameof(MyButton.Name), petName },
                    { nameof(MyButton.OnBtnClick),  EventCallback.Factory.Create<string>(this, OnTestClick)},
                    { nameof(MyButton.Text), $"Hi {petName}"}

    private List<RowTemplateConfig> myDynamicComponents => new List<RowTemplateConfig> {

    private async Task OnTestClick(string name)
        await Task.Delay(20);
        message = $"{name} Clicked at {DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}";

    public class RowTemplateConfig
        public ComponentMetadata ComponentMetadata { get; set; } = default!;
        public string? DataItem { get; set; }

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