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Build a search platform Nutch hbase solr


Operating environment: CentOS6.5
The crawler software list: Solr4.6.1, Nutch2.2.1 HBase0.92.1, hadoop1.1.2

Run the command line and error is as follows:
[root @ WZH local] #./bin/nutch crawl urls - dir data - the depth of 3-8 threads
[root @ WZH local] # InjectorJob: Using class org. Apache. Gora. Hbase. Store. HBaseStore as the gora storage class.
InjectorJob: total number of urls rejected by filters: 0
InjectorJob: total number of urls injected after normalization and filtering: 0
The Exception in the thread "main" Java. Lang. RuntimeException: job failed: name=the generate: null, jobid=job_local_0002
The at org, apache nutch. Util. NutchJob. WaitForCompletion (NutchJob. Java: 54)
At org, apache nutch. Crawl. GeneratorJob. Run (199) GeneratorJob. Java:
The at org, apache nutch. Crawl. Crawler. RunTool (Crawler. Java: 68)
At org, apache nutch. Crawl. Crawler. The run (152) Crawler. Java:
At org, apache nutch. Crawl. Crawler. The run (250) Crawler. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Util. ToolRunner. Run (65) ToolRunner. Java:
At org, apache nutch. Crawl. Crawler. The main (Crawler. Java: 257)

The error causes and solutions? Online look for sure, thank you first... Static hou...
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