Home > other >  Using aliyun ecs build server in the following way why ping or timeout? Under (in detail)
Using aliyun ecs build server in the following way why ping or timeout? Under (in detail)


1. Buy a aliyun server hope structures, ss, the steps are as follows:
Use shadowsock - ss go a key on the server side script installation, after the success tip

2. Open the security group, add 8989 into the direction of the rules, the following

3. Open the firewall, add in iptables
-a INPUT -p TCP -m state - the state NEW -m TCP -- dport 8989 - j ACCEPT
This sentence, save, save, then ok after
4. Open the firewall, use ali cloud document provide statements, "permanent add a port number, to add firewall port 8989
5. Restart the firewall
State the following

1. Ping this server and make sure there is nothing wrong with the IP address of the cases, ping prompt timeout
2. Use the ss client, confirmation without fault, the log hint timeout

The local environment:
The router + telecom

Use winMtr test result is given after

By definition should be or do I have a question, but I really don't know where I do wrong, to open the security group, and then open the firewall, why not, because I'm in the wrong way? Everyone glad to genuflect is begged, if is very busy, only for some tips for me is enough!
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