Home > other >  Ever great god do simulation WeChat landed, I this upon initial WeChat get less than information. Ha
Ever great god do simulation WeChat landed, I this upon initial WeChat get less than information. Ha


$. Ajax ({
Type: "post",
Url: "https://wx2.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/webwxinit? R="+ t +" & amp; Lang=zh_CN & amp; Pass_ticket="+ pass_ticket,
DataType: "json",
Data: {" BaseRequest ": {" Uin: wxuin," Sid ": wxsid," Skey ": Skey," DeviceID ":" e123456789012345 "}},
Success: the function (data, textStatus) {
//alert (" ok!" );

Complete: a function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
If (XMLHttpRequest. ReadyState=="4") {
//alert (XMLHttpRequest. The responseText);
Var jsonStr=XMLHttpRequest. The responseText;
//userObj=eval (' (' + jsonStr + ') ');
Alert (" WeChat initialization return information "+ jsonStr);
UserObj=JSON. Parse (jsonStr);
HandleOpen (userObj);
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