Home > other >  Anaconda python3.5 download and install tutorial tensorflow package (perfect solve the import tensor
Anaconda python3.5 download and install tutorial tensorflow package (perfect solve the import tensor


1. Python must be 3.5 can invoke TensorFlow, download address:
Anaconda3 - against 2.4.1 - Windows - x86-64. Exe is python3.5

2. The default option to install

3. First, create a new environment, the environment suitable for python3.5 in anaconda input in the command window
Conda create -n py35 python=3.5 anaconda

4. Then, create tensorflow environment, and install python3.5
Conda create -n tensorflow python=3.5
See if there are any more tensorflow anaconda3 folder envs file and py35 two files, on behalf of the preliminary installation is successful, can be the next step,

5 activation tensorflow
Activate tensorflow

6. In the tfenv environment tensorflow to installation package, PIP install, upgrade, ignore - installed tensorflow, download speed is slow, error will be prompted to
In domestic mirror (probably not succeed the first time, try a few times more) : PIP install tensorflow - http://pypi.douban.com/simple - I trusted host pypi.douban.com
-Test: import tensorflow as tf//not successful installation error said

7. If an error, it will in the anaconda3 \ env tensorflow file is copied into the anaconda \ lib \ site - package
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