Home > other >  Python call DLL, void _stdcall PostAndRecvEx (IN char * pszPost, OUT char * pszRecv)
Python call DLL, void _stdcall PostAndRecvEx (IN char * pszPost, OUT char * pszRecv)


The import ctypes
DLL=ctypes. Windll. LoadLibrary (" C:/test/test. DLL)

In_keyinfo=ctypes. C_char_p ()
In_keyinfo. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/sInputInfo
Out=ctypes. Create_string_buffer (1000000)
DLL. PostAndRecvEx (in_keyinfo, out)
Print (value) out.

Write that right? The debug debugging, load the DLL is a hard, just program ended, the control layer and print
The Process finished with exit code - 1073740791 (0 xc0000409)
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