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VC TCP server multithreaded programming problem


Good god

I now do a TCP sever links with VC program, now need more links can be implemented, but after closing the TCP server in links, mistakes will happen

I found the TCP server to debug tracking, shut down, build threads continues to run, but I have no way to normal shut down or quit
Below set up to monitor multithreaded program
UINT _ListenThread (LPVOID param)
PDlg=(CMYQQDlg * param);
Int ret=pDlg - & gt; M_Server. InitAndListen (pDlg - & gt; M_Port);
If (ret==0)
: : AfxMessageBox (ret==0! "" );
PDlg - & gt; ResetListMsg (1);

ReceiveThread_S=: : AfxBeginThread (_ReceiveThread_S pDlg);

//continuously listens for
The WaitForSingleObject (pDlg - & gt; HPrepareEvent, 0);
ListenThread=: : AfxBeginThread (_ListenThread pDlg);

return 0;

Void CMYQQDlg: : OnListen ()
//TODO: Add your the control notification handler code here
ListenThread=: : AfxBeginThread (_ListenThread, this);

Don't close the program, an execution is not closed, collapse is
Void CMYQQDlg: : Close_TCP_Server ()

//TODO: Add your the control notification handler code here

If (pDlg - & gt; M_Server m_hSocket!=NULL)
Closesocket (pDlg - & gt; M_Server. M_hSocket);//is turned off, can produce more than 204204204. The 204 IP bug
PDlg - & gt; M_Server. M_hSocket=NULL;
DWORD dwExitCode;
If (ReceiveThread_S!=NULL)
GetExitCodeThread (_ReceiveThread_S, & amp; DwExitCode);
: : AfxEndThread (dwExitCode, TRUE);//use this statement is turned off, program crashes, but the thread is not really close
SuspendThread (_ListenThread);
SuspendThread (_ReceiveThread_S);
If (ListenThread!=NULL)

GetExitCodeThread (_ListenThread, & amp; DwExitCode);
ExitThread (dwExitCode);//use this statement is turned off, program crashes,


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