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drop duplicate based on column length


I need to drop duplicate based on the length of the column "Employee History". The column with the longest length should be kept Note: (there are many, many more columns, but this is the 2 columns that matter for this case)

Company ID Employee History
253 462106-27 2021: 21, 2022: 26
264 181831-33 2019: 20, 2020: 60, 2021: 172, 2022: 225
338 181831-33 2019: 20, 2020: 60, 2021: 172
3481 462106-27 2021: 21

CodePudding user response:

Below solution drops duplicates based on Max lengh of column Employee History :

#Assign new column with String lengh.
df = df.assign(count=(df["Employee History"].str.len()))

#Drop duplicated columns based on Max lengh.
df = df.loc[df.groupby('Company ID')['count'].idxmax()].drop('count', axis=1)

CodePudding user response:

You can just sort the whole data frame by the length of Employee History in descending order and then drop duplicates by the subset Company ID. The drop methods keeps the first element, which is always linked to the longest values of Employee History.


df = pd.DataFrame({
    "Company ID": ["462106-27", "181831-33", "181831-33", "462106-27"],
    "Employee History": ["2021: 21, 2022: 26", "019: 20, 2020: 60, 2021: 172, 2022: 225", "019: 20, 2020: 60, 2021: 172", "2021: 21"]}, 
     index =[253, 264, 338, 3481] 

df.assign(temp=df["Employee History"].str.len()).sort_values(by=["Company ID", "temp"], ascending=False).drop_duplicates(subset=["Company ID"]).drop(columns="temp")


      Company ID   Employee History                       
253   462106-27    2021: 21, 2022: 26                         
264   181831-33    019: 20, 2020: 60, 2021: 172, 2022: 22   

CodePudding user response:

First, sort the data set by the length of "Employee History". Then insert every row into a OrderedDict using the "Company ID" as key and other columns as value. Finally, restore the dict to table.

Note: from python 3.7, regular dicts are guaranteed to be ordered, too.

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