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Matlab using sift Mosaic algorithm of fis function shows undefined function, fis is what, how to rep


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Img1=imread ([f '1' ext]);
Img2=imread ([f '2.' ext]);
Img3 %=imread (' b3. JPG);

Img0=imMosaic (img2 img1, 1);
% img0=imMosaic (img1, img0, 1);
Fis (img0)
Imwrite (img0, [' mosaic_ 'f'. 'ext], ext)

function [imgout]=imMosaic (img1, img2 adjColor, img1file, img2file)
% [imgout]=imMosaic (img1, img2 adjColor)
% img1 and img2 can (both) be RGB or gray, a double or uint8.
% If you have more to do than 2 images Mosaic, call this function several
% times.
% If you set adjColor to 1, imMosaic will try to try to adjust the
% color (RGB) for the or grayscale (for gray image) of img1 linearly, so the 2
% images can join more naturally.
% Yan Ke @ THUEE, 20110123

% use SIFT to find corresponding points
[matchLoc1 matchLoc2]=siftMatch (img1file img2file);

% use RANSAC to find homography matrix
CorrPtIdx [H]=findHomography (matchLoc2 ', matchLoc1 ');
H % # ok
Tform=maketform (' projective 'H');
Img21=imtransform (img2 tform); % reproject img2
Fis (img1)
Fis (img21)

% adjust color or grayscale linearly, using corresponding infomation
[M1 N1 dim]=size (img1);
[M2 N2 ~]=size (img2);
If exist (' adjColor ', 'var') & amp; & AdjColor==1
The radius=2;
X1ctrl=matchLoc1 (corrPtIdx, 1);
Y1ctrl=matchLoc1 (corrPtIdx, 2);
X2ctrl=matchLoc2 (corrPtIdx, 1);
Y2ctrl=matchLoc2 (corrPtIdx, 2);
CtrlLen=length (corrPtIdx);
S1=zeros (1, ctrlLen);
S2=zeros (1, ctrlLen);
For color=1: dim
For p=1: ctrlLen
Left=round (Max (1, x1ctrl (p) - the radius));
Right=round (min (N1, left radius, + + 1));
The up=round (Max (1, y1ctrl (p) - the radius));
The down=round (min (radius, M1, the up + + 1));
S1 (p)=sum (the sum (img1 (up, down, left, right, color)));
For p=1: ctrlLen
Left=round (Max (1, x2ctrl (p) - the radius));
Right=round (min (radius, N2, left + + 1));
The up=round (Max (1, y2ctrl (p) - the radius));
The down=round (min (radius, M2, up + + 1));
S2 (p)=sum (the sum (img2 (up, down, left, right, color)));
Sc=(radius * 2 + 1) ^ 2 * ctrlLen;
Adjcoef=polyfit (s1/sc, s2/sc, 1);
Img1 (:, :, color)=img1 (:, :, color) * adjcoef adjcoef (1) + (2);

% do the Mosaic
Pt=zeros (3, 4);
Pt (:, 1)=H * [1, 1, 1);
Pt (:, 2)=H * [N2, 1, 1);
Pt (:, 3)=H * [N2, M2, 1];
Pt (:, 4)=H * [1, M2, 1];
X2=pt (1, :)./pt (3, :);
Y2=pt (2, :)./pt (3, :);

The up=round (min (y2));
If the up & lt;=0
Yoffset=- up + 1;
The up=1;

Left=round (min (x2));
If left<=0
Xoffset=left + 1;

[M3 N3 ~]=size (img21);
Imgout (up: the up + M3-1, left, left + N3-1, :)=img21;
% img1 is above img21
Imgout (Yoffset + 1: Yoffset + M1, Xoffset + 1: Xoffset + N1, :)=img1;


The complete code and code source: http://www.pudn.com/Download/item/id/2557125.html

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