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Hive with oracle as the database error


14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO hive. Metastore: Trying to connect to metastore with URI thrift://
14/04/24 04:30:02 WARN hive. Metastore: Failed to connect to the metastore Server...
Org. Apache. Thrift. Transport. TTransportException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

CodePudding user response:

Show tables;
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO ql. Driver: & lt; PERFLOG method=Driver. Run>
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO ql. Driver: & lt; PERFLOG method=TimeToSubmit>
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO ql. Driver: & lt; PERFLOG method=compile>
14/04/24 04:30:02 DEBUG the parse. VariableSubstitution: Substitution is on: show tables
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO parse. ParseDriver: Parsing the command: show tables
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO parse. ParseDriver: parse Completed
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO ql. Driver: Semantic Analysis Completed
14/04/24 04:30:02 DEBUG the conf. Configuration: Java. IO. IOException: config (config)
At org, apache hadoop. Conf. Configuration. & lt; init> (226) Configuration. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Mapred. JobConf. & lt; init> (JobConf. Java: 184)
At org, apache hadoop. Mapred. JobConf. & lt; init> (JobConf. Java: 195)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Exec. FetchTask. The initialize (FetchTask. Java: 68)
Running at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver.com (471) Driver. Java:
Running at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver.com (335) Driver. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Driver. The run (893) Driver. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. ProcessLocalCmd (CliDriver. Java: 259)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. ProcessCmd (CliDriver. Java: 216)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. ProcessLine (CliDriver. Java: 412)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. Run (755) CliDriver. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. Main (613) CliDriver. Java:
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 39)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 25)
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (597) Method. The Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Util. RunJar. Main (156) RunJar. Java:

14/04/24 04:30:02 DEBUG lazy. LazySimpleSerDe: org). Apache hadoop. Hive. Serde2. Lazy. LazySimpleSerDe initialized with: columnNames=[tab_name] columnTypes=[string] the separator=[@ 16614 e7 [B] nullstring=lastColumnTakesRest=false
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO exec. ListSinkOperator: Initializing the Self 0 OP
14/04/24 04:30:02 DEBUG lazy. LazySimpleSerDe: org.. Apache hadoop. Hive. Serde2. DelimitedJSONSerDe initialized with: columnNames=columnTypes=[] [] the separator=[@ 1 b0bdc8 [B] nullstring=lastColumnTakesRest=false
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO exec. ListSinkOperator: Operator 0 OP the initialized
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO exec. ListSinkOperator: Initialization Done 0 OP
14/04/24 04:30:02 DEBUG lazy. LazySimpleSerDe: org). Apache hadoop. Hive. Serde2. Lazy. LazySimpleSerDe initialized with: columnNames=[tab_name] columnTypes=[string] the separator=[@ 7 bc899 [B] nullstring=lastColumnTakesRest=false
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO ql. Driver: Returning Hive schema: schema (fieldSchemas: [FieldSchema (name: tab_name, type: string, the comment: the from deserializer)], the properties: null)
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO ql. Driver: & lt;/PERFLOG method=the compile start=1398339002071 end=1398339002248 duration=177 & gt;
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO ql. Driver: & lt; PERFLOG method=Driver. Execute>
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO ql. Driver: Starting the command: show tables
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO ql. Driver: & lt;/PERFLOG method=TimeToSubmit start=1398339002071 end=1398339002277 duration=206 & gt;
14/04/24 04:30:02 INFO hive. Metastore: Trying to connect to metastore with URI thrift://
14/04/24 04:30:02 WARN hive. Metastore: Failed to connect to the metastore Server...

CodePudding user response:

May be a permissions problem
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