I have a custom converter for one of my object :
public class FooConverter : JsonConverter<Foo>
public override bool CanConvert( Type typeToConvert )
return typeof( Foo ).IsAssignableFrom( typeToConvert );
public override Foo? Read( ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options )
using var jsonDoc = JsonDocument.ParseValue( ref reader );
return jsonDoc.RootElement.GetPropertyCaseInsensitive( "Type" ).GetString() switch
nameof( TFoo) => jsonDoc.RootElement.Deserialize<TFoo>( options ),
nameof( PFoo) => jsonDoc.RootElement.Deserialize<PFoo>( options ),
_ => throw new JsonException( "'Type' doesn't match a known derived type" ),
public override void Write( Utf8JsonWriter writer, Foomethod, JsonSerializerOptions options )
JsonSerializer.Serialize( writer, (object) foo, options );
When calling the api from blazor using the httpClient like this :
List<Foo>? foos= await _httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<Foo>>( "api/Foo" );
With the server like this :
List<Foo> foos= await fooservice.GetFoos(); // This is not empty
return Ok( foos );
I receive a null response from the server (which is not the case in postman), but when I do it like this, i receive the response correctly :
List<Foo> foos= await fooservice.GetFoos(); // This is not empty
return Ok( JsonSerializer.Serialize( foos) );
even though, I have those in startup.cs
.AddJsonOptions( j =>
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions();
options.Converters.Add( new FooConverter() );
} );
Am I missing something?
CodePudding user response:
The First element of Converters is the default converter,You could try
services.AddControllers().AddJsonOptions(x => x.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Insert(0, new FooConverter()));
Got into the Write Method successfully:
CodePudding user response:
In your startup you are creating a new JsonSerializerOptions instead of configuring the provided options.
.AddJsonOptions(o =>
o.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new FooConverter());