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Kubernetes:delete PODs/services/Configmaps based on age


Anyone know or can point me to where i could find how one can delete kuberenets resources based on Age? I’m trying to build a cron job that would delete old services, pods, jobs, configmaps of a specific namespace. So for example something that would get all pods that are 2 days old of a specific namespace and run a kubectl delete pods command based on that list? the below command will sort the pods based on the creation timestamp but what i really need is the ability to list & delete resources that are greater than a specified date.

kubectl get pods -n k6 --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}"

CodePudding user response:

You will have to take the aid of some scripting, like bash:

kubectl get pods -n k6 -o jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name} {.metadata.creationTimestamp}{'\n'}{end}"  |\
while read pod_name pod_creation_time; do
    pod_creation_time_epoch=$(date  %s -d "$pod_creation_time");
    current_time_epoch=$(date  %s) ;
    #172800 = 24hours x 60minutes x 60seconds x 2days
    if [ $((current_time_epoch - pod_creation_time_epoch)) -gt 172800 ];then
        echo "$pod_name is older than 2 days";
        #uncomment the below line to cause deletion
        #kubectl delete pod $pod_name -n k6
        #remove the else condition unless you really require it
        echo "$pod_name is younger than two days";
    fi ;
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