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Problem with color changing in R using scale_fill_manual


I have a dataset called temperature4countries

Year Spain Cyprus Iceland Austria
1998 15 17 7 8
1999 20 21 7.5 8.5
2000 16 18 7 8
2001 17 20 8 8
2002 17.5 19 8 8
2003 20 21 7.5 8.5
2004 20 22 8 9
2005 20 21 8.5 9.5
2006 21 27 9 10
2007 22 23 9.5 10.5
2008 25 24 9 11
temperature <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  Year= c(1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008),
  Spain = c(15,20,16,17,17.5,20,20,20,21,22,25),
  Cyprus = c(17,21,18,20,19,21,22,21,27,23,24),
  Iceland = c(7,7.5,7,8,8,7.5,8,8.5,9,9.5,9),
  Austria = c(8,8.5,8,8,8,8.5,9,9.5,10,10.5,11),
  check.names = FALSE

My goal is to create a line graph

I used that code

df <- pivot_longer(temperature, 
                        cols = c(Spain, Cyprus, Iceland, Austria), 
                        values_to = "Temperature",
                        names_to = "Countries")
         x = Year,
         y = Temperature,
         color = Countries
  ggtitle("Trend of Temperature in 4 European countries")  

Again the colors are really ugly. I would like to change it. I used that code

df <- pivot_longer(temperature, 
                        cols = c(Spain, Cyprus, Iceland, Austria), 
                        values_to = "Temperature",
                        names_to = "Countries")
         x = Year,
         y = Temperature,
         color = Countries
  ggtitle("Trend of Temperature in 4 European countries")  
  ylab("Temperature[C]")    scale_fill_manual(values=c("aqua marine", "teal","lime","yellow"))

But the colors didn't change???

Because I thought that this is the way how to change colors

CodePudding user response:

You should use scale_color_manual in this case, instead of scale_fill_manual. Be explicit in your values param, passing a named vector:

  scale_color_manual(values=c("Austria" = "red", "Cyprus" = "blue",
                             "Iceland" = "green","Spain" = "orange"))

Check colors() for named colors available. You could use "#008080" in place of "teal" and "limegreen" in place of "lime", if you like.

CodePudding user response:

The reason why the color doesn't change is because you cannot use scale_fill_manual. Change it to scale_color_manual and you will see the change.

         x = Year,
         y = Temperature,
         color = Countries
  ggtitle("Trend of Temperature in 4 European countries")  
  ylab("Temperature[C]")   scale_color_manual(values=c("aqua marine", "red","blue","yellow"))

Note: that I had to change some colors because it couldn't find "lime" and "teal".

PS. The difference between them is that:

  • scale_fill_manual() is used for plots where you have things to fill, e.g. box plots, bar plots, violin plots, dot plots, etc.

  • scale_color_manual() is used for lines and points.

Here more info.

CodePudding user response:

You're well on your way! You are making three mistakes:

  1. You added twice in a row in your last line of code
  2. You are using scale_fill_manual(...), but the aesthetic that is being used in the plot is color. Thus, the correct function would be scale_colour_manual(...).
  3. The colours that you specified are not R colours. You can get an overview of all named colours in R using colors(). Check an individual colour using e.g. "aquamarine" %in% colors()

Thus, the correct code would be:

         x = Year,
         y = Temperature,
         color = Countries
  ggtitle("Trend of Temperature in 4 European countries")  
  ylab("Temperature[C]")   scale_colour_manual(values=c("aquamarine", "cyan4","limegreen","yellow"))
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