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Counting Peaks in R per group(s) of a data.frame


This is a followup question to enter image description here

The problem with this output is that the thresholds for the same ID are different because the sd() was calculated per ID per Stimuli. I want to calculate the sd() across all Stimuli per ID and then count peaks per Stimuli. So, the output H_peaks_1_df here is perfect (group_by(Stimuli, ID)), just the column "thresh_SD1" should be the same value for ID1, namely "58.5" which is correctly calculated when grouping only by ID.

enter image description here

Is it possible in dplyr to execute the "thresh_SD1" calculation via group_by(ID) and then count peaks and total time via group_by(Stimuli, ID) in simple code?

Thanks in advance!

CodePudding user response:

Yes, it is possible, Using head, mean or other to retrieve only one element from thresh_SD1.

H_peaks_1_df <- DF %>% group_by(ID) %>% 
  mutate(thresh_SD1 = f.SD1(Happiness)) %>% 
  group_by(ID, Stimuli) %>% 
    summarise(thresh_SD1 = head(thresh_SD1,1), ttime = sum(Happiness > thresh_SD1), nP_H_SD1 = sum(diff(c(f.Peaks_SD1(Happiness, thresh = thresh_SD1), 0)) < 0))

ID    Stimuli thresh_SD1 ttime nP_H_SD1
   <chr>   <int>      <dbl> <int>    <int>
 1 ID1         1       58.5     0        0
 2 ID1         2       58.5     2        2
 3 ID1         3       58.5     0        0
 4 ID1         4       58.5     1        1
 5 ID2         1       71.3     1        1
 6 ID2         2       71.3     1        1
 7 ID2         3       71.3     3        1
 8 ID2         4       71.3     0        0
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