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Novice/consult bosses python shuttle program error


New bosses, please guide
After playing box, according to the left and right arrows to play box disappear, feedback
Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "d:/py/pycode/alien_invasion/alien_invasion py", line 47, in & lt; module>
Run_game ()
The File "d:/py/pycode/alien_invasion/alien_invasion py", line 32, in run_game
Gf. Check_events (ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets)
The File "d: \ p y \ pycode \ alien_invasion \ game_functions py", 46, the line in check_events
Check_keydown_events (event, ship, ai_settings, screen, bullets)
The File "d: \ p y \ pycode \ alien_invasion \ game_functions py", 26, the line in check_keydown_events
Ship. Moving_left=True
AttributeError: 'pygame. Surface object has no attribute' moving_left '
After playing box, press the space play box disappear, feedback
Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "d:/py/pycode/alien_invasion/alien_invasion py", line 47, in & lt; module>
Run_game ()
The File "d:/py/pycode/alien_invasion/alien_invasion py", line 32, in run_game
Gf. Check_events (ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets)
The File "d: \ p y \ pycode \ alien_invasion \ game_functions py", 46, the line in check_events
Check_keydown_events (event, ship, ai_settings, screen, bullets)
The File "d: \ p y \ pycode \ alien_invasion \ game_functions py", line 29, in check_keydown_events
New_bullet=Bullet (ai_settings, screen, ships)
The File "d: \ p y \ pycode \ alien_invasion \ bullet py", line 15, in __init__
The self. The rect=pygame. The rect (0, 0, ai_settings. Bullet_width, ai_settings bullet_height)
AttributeError: 'Ship' object has no attribute 'bullet_width'
The code is as follows:

# alien_invasion. Py
The import sys
The import pygame
From the set import Setting
From the ship import ship
The import game_functions as gf
The import importlib
Importlib. Reload (sys)
The from pygame. Sprite import Group

Def run_game () :

# to initialize the game and create a screen object
Pygame. The init ()
Ai_settings=Setting ()
Screen=pygame. Display. Set_mode ((ai_settings. Screen_width, ai_settings. Screen_height)) # double brackets?

Pygame. Display. Set_caption (" Alien night ")

# to create a ship
The ship=ship (ai_settings, screen)
# to create the bullet marshalling
Bullets=Group ()

# set the background color in
# bg_color=(176224230)

# start playing the main loop of
While True:
# monitoring the keyboard and mouse
Gf. Check_events (ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets)
The ship. The update ()
Bullets. The update ()
Gf. Update_screen (ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets)
# for the event in pygame. Event. The get () :
# if event. Type==pygame. QUIT:
# sys. The exit ()

# screen redraw each cycle
Screen. The fill (ai_settings. Bg_color)
Ship. Blitme ()

# let recently painted screen visible
Pygame. Display. Flip ()

Run_game ()

# game_functions. Py
The import sys
The import pygame
The from bullet import bullet

# def check_events (ship) :
# for the event in pygame. Event. The get () :
# if event. Type==pygame. QUIT:
# sys. The exit ()

# elif event. Type==pygame. KEYDOWN: # every button is registered as a KEYDOWN event has occurred
# if the event. The key==pygame. K_RIGHT:
# ship. Moving_right=True
# elif event. The key==pygame. K_LEFT:
# ship. Moving_left=True

# elif event. Type==pygame. KEYUP:
# if the event. The key==pygame. K_RIGHT:
# ship. Moving_right=False
# elif event. The key==pygame. K_LEFT:
# ship. Moving_left=False

Def check_keydown_events (event, ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets) :
If the event. The key==pygame. K_RIGHT:
Ship. Moving_right=True
Elif event. The key==pygame. K_LEFT:
Ship. Moving_left=True
Elif event. The key==pygame. K_SPACE:
# create a bullet and should be added to the marshalling bullets in
New_bullet=Bullet (ai_settings, screen, ships)
Bullets. The add (new_bullet)

Def check_keyup_events (event, ship) :
"" "response to loosen "" "
If the event. The key==pygame. K_RIGHT:
Ship. Moving_right=False
Elif event. The key==pygame. K_LEFT:
Ship. Moving_left=False

Def check_events (ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets) :
Response keys and mouse events. "" "" "" "
For the event in pygame. Event. The get () :
If the event. The type==pygame. QUIT:
Sys. The exit ()
Elif event. Type==pygame. KEYDOWN:
Check_keydown_events (event, ship, ai_settings, screen, bullets)
Elif event. Type==pygame. KEYUP:
Check_keyup_events (event, ships)

Def update_screen (ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets) :
# update the image on the screen, and switch to the new screen
# every loop redrawing the screen
Screen. The fill (ai_settings. Bg_color)

# behind the shuttle and alien redraw all bullets
For bullet in bullets. Sprites () :
Bullet. Draw_bullet ()

Ship. Blitme ()

# let recently painted screen visible
Pygame. Display. Flip ()

# ship. Py
The import pygame

The class Ship () :
Def __init__ (self, ai_settings, screen) :

# to initialize the spacecraft and set its initial position
The self. The screen=screen
Self. Ai_settings=ai_settings

# to load the spacecraft images and obtain its external rectangular
Self. Image=pygame. Image. The load (r 'D: \ \ p y \ pycode \ alien_invasion \ images ship. BMP')
The self. The rect=self. Image. Get_rect ()
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