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Colour top row (header row) regardless of number of columns


I'm new to VBA and thus this might be an easy one. I'm trying to colour the top row of any workbook regardless of the amount or columns. I would obviously like the colour to stop with the last column.

The colour isn't too important as I can change it in the code once figured out.

CodePudding user response:

The macro recorder can help us a lot to start going with vba.

I have recorded a macro were I have selecetd the top row of a worksheet, and changed its color. This is what i've got

Sub Color()
' Color Macro

    With Selection.Interior
        .Pattern = xlSolid
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .Color = 10092441
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With
End Sub

Now there are some definitions here that might or may not interest you.

A simpler code to have the row gray using RGB:

Sub Color()
' Color Macro
    With Rows("1:1").Interior
        .Color = RGB(215, 215, 215)

    End With
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Let me give you a surprising proposal:

Rows("1:1").FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _

With Rows("1:1").FormatConditions(1).Interior
    .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
    .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent6
    .TintAndShade = 0
End With

Rows("1:1").FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False

(This is more or less the result of the macro recorder, some things might be obsolete.)

In order to obtain this, I used conditional formatting, based on the formula "=NOT(ISBLANK(A1))". In other words: when something gets written in that cell, the cell gets a background colour.

I've used this approach as you mentioned "regardless of the number of columns". The other answers start with a certain amount of columns but if you add one, you need to run their macro again. My solution does not need that.

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