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How to write the Javascript that gives each link a custom URL to jump to on click according to it�


I wonder if it is possible to write a Javascript that gives each link a custom format URL to go to on click.

<!-- example set one -->
<a href="javascript:myfunction()"  target="_blank">
  <span id="input01">campfire<span>
  <span id="input02">red<span>
<!-- example set two -->
<a href="javascript:myfunction()"  target="_blank">
  <span id="input01">pepe<span>
  <span id="input02">green<span>

How to write the custom javascript to formulate an URL for each <a > ?

 // use text content of child element id=input01 and id=input02 to 
 // formulate an URL for it's parent div or <a>
 // eg. https://www.example.com?type=campfire&color=red
 // eg. https://www.example.com?type=pepe&color=green

Any good idea? Thanks a lot~

CodePudding user response:

If you want to do it at runtime, you could do something like this. I used jQuery since you tagged it in your question.

 $('.relative-url').each(function() {
      let type = $(this).find('.input01').text();
      let color = $(this).find('.input02').text();
      this.href = `https://www.example.com?type=${type}&color=${color}`
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- example set one -->
<a  target="_blank">
  <span >campfire</span>
  <span >red</span>
<!-- example set two -->
<a  target="_blank">
  <span >pepe</span>
  <span >green</span>

CodePudding user response:

While you've already accepted an answer I thought I'd offer a non-jQuery approach in case that might be of help; explanatory comments are in the code:

// caching a refernce to the document, and some helper functions as I don't
// enjoy repetitive typing all that much:
const D = document,
  get = (sel, ctx = D) => ctx.querySelector(sel),
  getAll = (sel, ctx = D) => [...ctx.querySelectorAll(sel)],
  // a simple function to update an element with new properties ('props'):
  update = (elem, props) => Object.assign(elem, props),
  // a named function that takes an element (though it realistically
  // should be a HTMLAnchorElement):
  createURL = (elem) => {
    // here we use destructuring to declare the variables of type and color
    // to the text-content of each of the <span> elements found within the
    // current element, after we trim the leading/trailing white-space:
    let [type, color] = getAll('span', elem).map((el) => el.textContent.trim());
    // calling the update() function, passing in the current element
    // and an object of properties to update with the new property-value:
    update(elem, {
      href: `${elem.href}?type=${type}&color=${color}`

// retrieves all <a> elements in the document, and iterates over that Array
// of nodes and calling the createURL() function on each of them:
::after {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

a {
  display: block;
  padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
  border: 1px solid currentColor;
  border-radius: 0.6em;
  color: #363;
  margin: 1em auto;
  inline-size: fit-content;

a::after {
  content: '(URL: "' attr(href) '")';
<!-- example set one -->
<a href="#"  target="_blank">
<!-- example set two -->
<a href="#"  target="_blank">

JS Fiddle demo.


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