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Method using official Maven SocketWindowWordCount package came out on the server flink run error, fl


Method using official Maven SocketWindowWordCount package came out on the server flink run error, flatMap place at the wrong

$MVN archetype: the generate \
- DarchetypeGroupId=org. Apache. Flink \
- DarchetypeArtifactId=flink - quickstart scala \
- DarchetypeVersion=1.7.2

Then use the IDEA import maven project

Copy the flink official example source code (modify a bit on your own, do not matter) :

Locally Run without any problems (8080) with the nc -l:

Then start packing, first in pom. XML in the entrance class SocketWindowWordCount instead, point the IDEA in the top right corner Maven packge:

Pack out of a jar file, upload it on the server flink run error (8080) with the nc -l:

Once under the enter port 8080 to knock a few characters in the paper will be the wrong, very afflictive, on Windows IDEA and good

Then put flatMap that one line of code commented out:

The packge, upload, flink run, there is no problem:

Wow, really uncomfortable, for a long time without

What are the predecessors to advice on one hand, very grateful
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