Method using official Maven SocketWindowWordCount package came out on the server flink run error, flatMap place at the wrong
$MVN archetype: the generate \
- DarchetypeGroupId=org. Apache. Flink \
- DarchetypeArtifactId=flink - quickstart scala \
- DarchetypeVersion=1.7.2
Then use the IDEA import maven project
Copy the flink official example source code (modify a bit on your own, do not matter) :
Locally Run without any problems (8080) with the nc -l:
Then start packing, first in pom. XML in the entrance class SocketWindowWordCount instead, point the IDEA in the top right corner Maven packge:
Pack out of a jar file, upload it on the server flink run error (8080) with the nc -l:
Once under the enter port 8080 to knock a few characters in the paper will be the wrong, very afflictive, on Windows IDEA and good
Then put flatMap that one line of code commented out:
The packge, upload, flink run, there is no problem:
Wow, really uncomfortable, for a long time without
What are the predecessors to advice on one hand, very grateful