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The use of the search engine technique


Search engine is for us to easily query information online, but when you enter keywords, hundreds of thousands of search results, and the results of that is not what you want, in the face of a pile of garbage information, how your mood the frustration at this moment, don't be sad, not because the search engine to use, but because you can't handle it well, don't have skills to use it, just lead to such consequences,

Each search engine has its own query methods, only skilled master it, you can use freely, different search engines provide query method is not completely the same, if you want to specific knowledge, can inquire to each site, but there are some common query method, each search engine has basically, the following will give you to introduce,

Because the directory query is simple, you only need to determine where to find the target directory, then open the layers, gradually thinning can be found, so we mainly introduce below using the keyword query,

1, a simple query, enter keywords in the search engine, and then click "search", the system will soon return to the query results, this is the most simple query methods, easy to use, but it is not accurate, the results of the query may contain a lot of useless information,

2, the use of double quotes (" "), to query keywords with double quotation marks (half Angle, the following shall be added with the other symbols), can achieve precise query, this method requires an exact match the query results, not including the evolution forms, for instance in the search engine in the text box input "telex", it will return a web page with the keyword "telex" url, and won't return to web pages, such as "fax"

3, use a plus sign (+), use a plus sign in front of the key, also is to tell the search engine the words must appear in the search results page, for example, in the search engine in the input "+ + + computer phone fax" means to find the content must include both computer, phone, fax, "" the three key words,

4, use the minus sign (-), use a minus sign in front of keywords, which means that where the keywords in the query results cannot be found, for example, in the search engine in the input "television - the China central television," it said the last query results must not contain "CCTV",

5, use wildcards (* and? , including a wildcard asterisk (*) and question mark (?) , the former means to match the number of unrestricted, which match the number of characters to be limited, mainly used in the English language search engine, input "computer *", for example, you can find "computer, computers, computerised, computerized" and other words, the input "comp? Ter ", only to find "computer, compater, compete and other words,

6, the use of Boolean retrieval, the so-called Boolean retrieval, refers to the Boolean logic via a standard to express the relationship between keywords and keywords of the logical relationship between a query method and the query methods allow us to enter multiple keywords, the relationship between the various keywords may be expressed in logical relation word,

And, known as the logic "and", using the and connection, said the two words have to appear at the same time it is connected in the query results, for example, input "computer and book", it requires that the query results must include both in the computer and book,

Or, known as the logical "or", it said that any one of the two key words appear in the query results can, for example, input "computer or book," requires that the query results can only computer, or only a book, or contains computer and book at the same time,

Not, called logical "not", it said the connection of the two key words should be excluded from the concept of the first keyword to the second key words, input "automobile not car", for example, requires that the results of the query contains automobile (car), but at the same time cannot contain the car (car),

Near, it said the word distance between two key words can't more than n words,

In the actual use process, you can take a variety of integrated use of logic relations, agile collocation, for more complex queries,

7, use parentheses, when two keywords together with another operator, and you want to list them as a group, can add parentheses, the two words

8, the use of yuan word search, word "yuan" supported by most search engines (metawords) function, based on this type of functionality users put yuan word in front of the keywords, so you can tell the search engine you want to retrieve the content has what specific characteristic, for example, you enter in the search engine "title: tsinghua university", you can check the web page in the title page with tsinghua university, after typing keywords and domain: org, you can get all org as suffix website,

Other words yuan also include: image: used to retrieve images, link: to retrieve link to a selected website page, URL: used to retrieve the address with a keyword pages,

9, case-sensitive, retrieve information in English, this is when should pay attention to a problem, many English search engine allows users to choose whether to ask to distinguish the keywords of the case, the function is of great help to query the proper nouns, such as: Web specifically to the world wide Web or the Web, and Web said cobwebs,

The article comes from: https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/b24f6c82fe1eef86bfe5da27.html baidu experience
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