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<ng-template> inside <ng-container> with cycle *ngFor for open panel with different data


I have this Htlm file, the first part ng-container work well and display correctly the data, but when click on the button and open the details panel, the panel use the ng-template so are not rendered correctly with the data of cycle for...I see always only the first data of the array. I think that we have to generaty dinamically the template, but I don't know... how can solve this problem?

 <ng-container *ngFor="let member of members; trackBy: trackByFn;">
    <div >

        <div >

            <!-- Info details panel button -->
            <ng-container *ngIf="members?.length">
                    [disabled]="member.session.length === 0"
                            'text-gray-400 icon-size-8': member.session.length === 0,
                            'text-green-600 icon-size-8': member.session.length > 0
            <!-- Info details panel -->
            <ng-template #infoDetailsPanel>
                <div >
                    <div >
                        <span>{{member | json}}</span>
                        <span>{{member.session | json}}</span>
                        <ng-container *ngFor="let item of member.session">
                                <td  >{{item.ip}}</td>
                                <td  >{{convertDateTimeToLocaleDate(item.registrationDate)}}</td>
                                <td  >{{convertDateTimeToLocaleTime(item.registrationDate)}}</td>

In the file TS I have this function:

@ViewChild('infoDetailsPanelOrigin') private _infoDetailsPanelOrigin: MatButton;
@ViewChild('infoDetailsPanel') private _infoDetailsPanel: TemplateRef<any>;

and the function are:

openInfoDetailsPanel(): void
        // Create the overlay
        this._overlayRef = this._overlay.create({
            backdropClass   : '',
            hasBackdrop     : true,
            scrollStrategy  : this._overlay.scrollStrategies.block(),
            positionStrategy: this._overlay.position()
                                        originX : 'start',
                                        originY : 'bottom',
                                        overlayX: 'start',
                                        overlayY: 'top'
                                        originX : 'start',
                                        originY : 'top',
                                        overlayX: 'start',
                                        overlayY: 'bottom'
                                        originX : 'end',
                                        originY : 'bottom',
                                        overlayX: 'end',
                                        overlayY: 'top'
                                        originX : 'end',
                                        originY : 'top',
                                        overlayX: 'end',
                                        overlayY: 'bottom'

        // Create a portal from the template
        const templatePortal = new TemplatePortal(this._infoDetailsPanel, this._viewContainerRef);

        // Attach the portal to the overlay

        // Subscribe to the backdrop click
        this._overlayRef.backdropClick().subscribe(() => {

            // If overlay exists and attached...
            if ( this._overlayRef && this._overlayRef.hasAttached() )
                // Detach it

            // If template portal exists and attached...
            if ( templatePortal && templatePortal.isAttached )
                // Detach it

CodePudding user response:

When create the templatePortal, the variables in your .ts are accesibles

But futhermore you can pass data, like this SO

const data={prop1:'',prop2:''}
const templatePortal = new TemplatePortal(
           $implicit: data

If in your template you use

 <ng-template #infoDetailsPanel let-data>
   You can use
      {{data.prop1}} {{data.prop2}}
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