Home > other > Opencv initundistortrectifymap () function, in the camera coordinate system down distortion is why
Opencv initundistortrectifymap () function, in the camera coordinate system down distortion is why
recently watching ilf calibration and distortion correction of Opencv source code, and the distortion coefficients after using initundistortrectifymap () function and remap () function to carry on the distortion correction, but have a bit don't understand is, in initundistortrectifymap () function, is to transform the image coordinates (u, v) camera coordinate system, and then to the world coordinate system (X, Y, Z), and then switch to the camera coordinate system (X ', 'Y, 1), the camera coordinate system to distortion after distortion correction model are used to get the coordinates (X', Y ', 1), and then switch to the image coordinate system (u ', v '), what is this principle? The great spirit guide, if you can detailed explain the whole process, especially appreciated!!!!!
CodePudding user response:
The building Lord said things, I haven't seen, However, I usually use undistort the function, correcting image,
CodePudding user response:
Said undistort in Opencv document () function is initundistortrectifymap () function and remap () function simple combination, I was watching the Opencv source code recently, about the distortion correction steps don't quite understand,
CodePudding user response:
This is about in opencv2.4.9 initundistortrectifymap () function description, I look at the good,,,