I have a column (stud_info) in the below format
stud_info = """Name: Mark
1. Football
2. Programming
3. Squash"""
The column (stud_info) from raw data is stud_info which contains data as multiline text. I need to split it into 3 columns (Name, Address, and Hobbies). For a simple split, we can do it via lambda functions but this is a multiline split and the column names are also a part of the data. (i.e. the text Name, Address, and Hobbies should not be a part of the columns). The final columns should look like
Please suggest a way to do it using pandas.
CodePudding user response:
df = pd.DataFrame({'stud_info': {0: 'Name: Mark\nAddress: \nPHX, AZ\nHobbies: \n1. Football\n2. Programming\n3. Squash'}})
We can define a Regex Expression for your particular formatting, and use the pd.Series.str.extract
method to break the groups into different columns. For an explanation of the pattern see