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Using Random and Range together


I would like to utilise random and range together in this code. Im trying to figure how the user can input a weight unit (kg or pounds) and the output would be a range of weights between 10 and 200, and only generate say 100 random weights between that range. I think its only a small fix, I just can't nut it out where it should go.

Code so far..

import random

weight_unit = input("Enter the units: , kg or pounds")

while weight_unit != 'pounds' or weight_unit != 'kg':
if weight_unit =='pounds':
        for i in range(10,200):
            print("weight_unit" , i 1, '=', i,'pounds')
    elif weight_unit == 'kg':
        for i in range(10,200):
            print("weight_unit ", i 1, "=" ,round(i/2.204,2),"kg")
    else :
        weight_unit = input("Incorrect input. Reinput the unit kg or pounds")

CodePudding user response:

I am not sure I 100% understand the request. However, if you are trying to obtain a random number between 10 and 200 you can use the following code to put a random number between 10 and 200 inside of variable ran_value:

ran_value = random.randint(10,201)

Where 10 is the lower limit and 201 is the upper limit (not inclusive)


The above site has documentation on the random module and all the random functions that come with it.

If you are also trying to achieve an output that has a random number of outputs. You can use a while loop that increments up to a random number that you can select with via the same code as above like so:

ran_range = random.randint(50,150)
i = 1
while i <= ran_range:
     Run your code
     i  = 1

CodePudding user response:

Maybe you can try this one

import random

weight_unit = input("Enter the units: , kg or pounds")

while weight_unit != 'pounds' or weight_unit != 'kg':

    if weight_unit =='pounds':
        for i in range(100):
            print("weight_unit" , i 1, '=', random.randint(10, 200),'pounds')

    elif weight_unit == 'kg':
        for i in range(100):
            print("weight_unit ", i 1, "=" ,round(random.randint(10, 200)/2.204,2),"kg")

    else :
        weight_unit = input("Incorrect input. Reinput the unit kg or pounds")

CodePudding user response:

try this:

import numpy as np

weight_unit = input("Enter the units: , kg or pounds")

while weight_unit != 'pounds' or weight_unit != 'kg':

    # rng    = np.random.default_rng(12345)
    rints  = rng.integers(low=10, high=200, size=1).tolist()[0]
    if weight_unit =='pounds':  
            print("weight_unit" , rint 1, '=', rint,'pounds')
    elif weight_unit == 'kg':
            print("weight_unit ", rint 1, "=" ,round(rint/2.204,2),"kg")
    else :
        weight_unit = input("Incorrect input. Reinput the unit kg or pounds")

CodePudding user response:

try this:

import random
import numpy as np

weight_unit = input("Enter the units: , kg or pounds")

while weight_unit != 'pounds' or weight_unit != 'kg':

    rng    = np.random.default_rng(12345)
    rints  = rng.integers(low=10, high=200, size=1).tolist()[0]
    if weight_unit =='pounds':  
            print("weight_unit" , rint 1, '=', rint,'pounds')
    elif weight_unit == 'kg':
            print("weight_unit ", rint 1, "=" ,round(rint/2.204,2),"kg")
    else :
        weight_unit = input("Incorrect input. Reinput the unit kg or pounds")

CodePudding user response:

This works to me.

if weight_unit =='pounds':
    for i in range(100):
        print("weight_unit" , i 1, '=', random.randint(10, 200),'pounds')

CodePudding user response:

Dictionary used to manage measures. Comments in text

import random

# the dictionary contains 2 weight measures as keys, and the names of alternative weight measures
# and conversion formulas from one measure to another as values
measures = {'pounds': ['round(weight / 2.204, 2)', 'kg'],
            'kg': ['round(weight * 2.204, 2)', 'pounds']}

prompt = f"Enter the units: {list(measures.keys())}:"  # initial prompt for text entry (before the first incorrect entry)

while True:  # an infinite loop, the exit from which (break) will occur when you enter a measure corresponding to any of the keys of the dictionary
    weight_unit = input(prompt)
    if weight_unit in measures.keys():  # dict_keys(['pounds', 'kg'])
    prompt = f"Incorrect input. Reinput the unit {list(measures.keys())}: "  # subsequent text input prompts (after incorrect input)

for i in range(100):
    weight = random.randint(10, 201)
    # the weight is displayed in the main (user-selected measure) and in the alternative (other)
    # with the conversion of values ​​by the formula through eval()
    print(f'weight_unit # {i   1} = {weight} {weight_unit} ({eval(measures[weight_unit][0])} {measures[weight_unit][1]})')


Enter the units: ['pounds', 'kg']:aaa
Incorrect input. Reinput the unit ['pounds', 'kg']: kg
weight_unit # 1 = 74 kg (163.1 pounds)
weight_unit # 2 = 145 kg (319.58 pounds)
weight_unit # 3 = 163 kg (359.25 pounds)
weight_unit # 4 = 196 kg (431.98 pounds)
weight_unit # 5 = 161 kg (354.84 pounds)
weight_unit # 6 = 67 kg (147.67 pounds)

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