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Spectral response silvaco TCAD simulation


I set up the InGaAs/InP electrcal detector, the spectral response should be in 1.0 um and 1.65 um, and I got out of the simulation results of 0.6 um to 1 um

Ask why will appear this kind of result?
The enclosed code:

Go atlas
# mesh
Mesh space. Mult=1.0

X.m esh loc=0.0 spac=0.25
X.m esh loc=5.0 spac=0.25

Y.m esh loc=0.0 spac=0.5
Y.m esh loc=1.0 spac=0.25
Y.m esh loc=3.5 spac=0.25
Y.m esh loc=4.0 spac=0.5
Y.m esh loc=6.0 spac=1.0

# region
Region num=1 material=InP y.m ax=1.0
Region num=2 material=InGaAs y.m=1.0 y.m ax=3.5 in compx. Top=0.53 compx. Bottom=0.53
Region num=3 material=InP y.m=3.5 y.m ax=4.0 in
Region num=4 material=InP Y.m=4.0 in

# electrode
Electrode num=1 name=anode x.m in=0.0 0.75 y.m x.m ax=ax=0.0
Electrode num=2 name=anode x.m in=4.25 5.0 y.m x.m ax=ax=0.0
Electrode num=3 name=cathode y.m=6.0 in

# doping
Doping uniform region=1 p.t ype conc=5 e18
Doping uniform region=2 n.t ype conc=1 e16
Doping uniform region=3 n.t ype conc=5 e18
Doping uniform region=4 n.t ype conc=5 e11

The save outf=ingaas. STR

Go atlas
Init infile=ingaas. STR

# material
Material material=InP align=0.36 mun=5000 250 augn mup==9 e - 31 augp=9 e - 31 taun0=6 e - 12 taup0=6 e - 12 copt=1.2 e-10 permittivity=12.5 eg300=1.34
Material material=InGaAs align=0.36 nc300=2.1 e17 nv300=7.7 e18 mun=10000 500 augn mup==2 e - 27 augp=2 e - 27 taun0=7 e - 6 taup0=7 e - copt=9.6 e-11 permittivity=13.9 eg300=0.75

# model
The model SRH fldmob conmob auger BBT. STD print fermidirac

# light
Beam num=1 x.o. rigin=2.5 y.o rigin=1.0 Angle=90 where=1.3 rays=101
# method
Method Newton trap carr=2
The output band. The param con. Band val. The band opt. Intens

Solve init
Solve vcathode=0.05 0.05 vfinal vstep==0.5 name=cathode
The log outf=response. The log master

Solve prev b1 lambda=1=0.7
Solve prev b1 lambda=1=0.725
Solve prev b1 lambda=1=1.75
Solve prev b1 lambda=1=1.775
Solve prev b1 lambda=1=1.8
Log off

The save outf=ingaas. STR
Tonyplot ingaas. STR
Tonyplot response. The log
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