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dividing row with a vector in R


lets say I have this data frame enter image description here

what I want to do is divide the numbers in the columns by the total number in the last row of each column, I can not, I thought I would do it like this but I get the following error: undefined columns selected.

df[4] %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, ~ . / total)

In the data i am working on I have 454 columns so specifying them all would be impossible.

CodePudding user response:

I advise against including margin totals in raw data. As you found out, it makes things unnecessarily complicated.

That aside, here is an option

df %>%
    mutate(across(b:c, ~ replace(.x, a != "total", .x[a != "total"] / last(.x))))
#      a         b    c
#1    1a 0.4285714 0.25
#2    2a 0.8571429 0.50
#3    3a 0.4285714 0.75
#4 total 7.0000000 8.00

This assumes that totals are always in the last row (i.e. the total is the last entry in a column vector).

You can replace across(b:c, ...) with across(where(is.numeric), ...) if preferable.

Sample data

df <-read.table(text = " a     b     c    
1 1a    3     2 
2 2a    6     4 
3 3a    3     6  
4 total 7     8", header = T)

CodePudding user response:

Does this work:

df %>% mutate(across(b:c, ~ case_when(a != 'total' ~ ./.[a=='total'],
                                       TRUE ~ .)))
      a         b    c
1    1a 0.4285714 0.25
2    2a 0.8571429 0.50
3    3a 0.2857143 0.75
4 total 7.0000000 8.00
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