So I'm currently creating a CLI program for my encryption library. This is just a test program, as I will later build a GUI-based program for it. I am storing the encryption key in the registry, for now, might change this later. So far, I can write the key to the registry, but I can't convert the data from the registry back to a string to use as the actual key in the encryption.
Here's my current code:
internal String Encrypt()
Console.Write("Encryption\nPlease enter the path to the file you want to encrypt: ");
String FileInPath = Console.ReadLine();
String FileOutPath = "";
String FileData = "";
while (FileInPath == "")
FileInPath = RetryPathIn();
String RetryPathIn()
String PathInStr = Console.ReadLine();
return PathInStr;
Console.Write("\nPlease enter the path of the file you want to decrypt: ");
FileOutPath = Console.ReadLine();
while (FileOutPath == "")
FileOutPath = RetryEncrypt();
String RetryEncrypt()
String FileOutPathStr = Console.ReadLine();
return FileOutPathStr;
object Key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\NikkieDev Software").GetValue("Key");
String KeyStr = Key.ToString();
String FileOutData = "";
if (Key!=null)
FileOutData = Crypt.Encrypt(FileData, KeyStr);
var file = File.Create(FileOutPath);
File.WriteAllText(FileOutPath, FileOutData);
return $"Data has been encrypted and saved in {FileOutPath}";
I am fairly new to the registry, and I've only recently found out how to use it as data storage in programming. I am using .NET 6 for this, and I hope that someone can help me.
[EDIT] I've shown below how I've created the register data. Due to people asking about it
internal void Initialize()
String SettingsFile = File.ReadAllText(CoreObject.DataFile);
dynamic _JsonObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(SettingsFile);
if (_JsonObj["KeyGenerated"] == 0)
RegistryKey RegData = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"Software\NikkieDev Software");
String NewKey = Key.CreateKey();
RegData.SetValue("Key", NewKey);
_JsonObj["KeyGenerated"] = 1;
dynamic NewData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_JsonObj, Formatting.Indented);
File.WriteAllText(CoreObject.DataFile, NewData);
Due to recent questions about missing code, I here provide my encryption library that I'm building this program around:
The CreateKey()
returns a string (the key). Furthermore Crypt.Encrypt()
takes the key and the data and scrambles them together and exchanges all the characters with one another.
CodePudding user response:
The answers have been provided by the community in the comments. Thanks to the people listed below
Topaco Raymond Chen