Home > other >  Bulk storage Kerbos certification HBase, warehousing are getting slower and slower until the program
Bulk storage Kerbos certification HBase, warehousing are getting slower and slower until the program


Application submitted to spark, started running slower and slower until then had been card dead, sometimes an error
Java. IO. IOException: Could not set up the IO Streams to the hostname/IP: 60020
But it is always the background has been warning: warning below
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=24 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20128 ms, replay=24 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=12 ops, last exception: Java. IO. IOException: Couldn 't setup connection for XXXXR @ COM to hbase/hostname @ COM on the hostname, 60020158212575, 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20129 ms, replay=12 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=27 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20024 ms, replay=27 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=21 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20152 ms, replay=21 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=26 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20142 ms, replay=26 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=31 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20161 ms, replay=31 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=27 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20025 ms, replay=27 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=22 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20171 ms, replay=22 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=18 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20094 ms, replay=18 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=19 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20009 ms, replay=19 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=25 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20156 ms, replay=25 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=22 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20019 ms, replay=22 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=18 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20127 ms, replay=18 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=21 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20188 ms, replay=21 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=32 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20074 ms, replay=32 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=22 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20118 ms, replay=22 ops
The INFO AsyncProcess: # 16, table=XXXXXXXXXX, attempt failed=20/35=26 ops, last exception: org.. Apache hadoop, hbase. Exceptions. ConnectionClosingException: This connection is closing on the hostname, 60020158212575 80, tracking started null, retrying after=20085 ms, replay=26 ops
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