I have a set of haskell type signature, similar to below:
(for anyone that knows haskell, this is a monomorphised version of ..
(t2 -> t3) -> (t1 -> t2) -> t1 -> t3
And with the implicit parens (Conveniently, this is how my program currently stores the type signatures - as a tree.):
(t2 -> t3) -> ((t1 -> t2) -> (t1 -> t3))
I am looking for a programmatic way to convert this style of type signature to a C style type signature with function pointers. So far, all I have been able to find is resources concerning one, maybe two levels of function pointers - Obviously, in this case, I need it to support theoretically infinite levels. Any resources or pointers would be helpful.
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: Encoding the type as a C datastructure would also work.
CodePudding user response:
If @Dmitry's comment accurately reflects what you're trying to do, the Haskell code to perform such a conversion is surprisingly simple:
data HType = (:->) HType HType | H String
deriving (Show)
infixr 0 :->
ctype :: String -> HType -> String
ctype x (a :-> b) = ctype ("(*" x ")(" ctype "" a ")") b
ctype "" (H a) = a
ctype x (H a) = a " " x
main = do
let t = (H "t2" :-> H "t3") :-> (H "t1" :-> H "t2") :-> H "t1" :-> H "t3"
putStrLn $ ctype "compose" t
For this example, it produces the type signature:
t3 (*(*(*compose)(t3 (*)(t2)))(t2 (*)(t1)))(t1)
which does, indeed, describe a type compose
that's a pointer to a function that accepts a pointer to a function t2 -> t3
, returning a pointer to a function that accepts a pointer to a function t1 -> t2
that returns a pointer to a function t1 -> t3
It's a little hard to see how such a type could be used. I mean, if you want to emit code for a compose function that could actually be assigned to such a pointer, it's tough to do without first-class functions. As a proof of concept, here's a non-reentrant version using global variables that proves that the type "works":
#include <stdio.h>
/* some concrete types to use */
typedef char t1;
typedef int t2;
typedef char* t3;
/* compose :: (t2 -> t3) -> ((t1 -> t2) -> (t1 -> t3)) */
typedef t3 (*(*(*compose)(t3 (*)(t2)))(t2 (*)(t1)))(t1);
/* code defining a `do_compose` function pointer of C type `compose` */
t3 (*f1)(t2);
t2 (*f2)(t1);
t3 compose2(t1 x)
return (*f1)((*f2)(x));
t3 (*compose1(t2 (*g)(t1)))(t1)
f2 = g;
return compose2;
t3 (*(*compose0(t3 (*f)(t2)))(t2 (*)(t1)))(t1)
f1 = f;
return compose1;
compose do_compose = compose0;
* a test case for `do_compose`
/* ord :: t1 -> t2 */
int ord(char c)
return (int)c;
/* print :: t2 -> t3 */
char* print(int i)
static char buffer[256];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", i);
return buffer;
int main()
Alternatively, if you want an "uncurried" version of the type, which in this case would be:
t3 (*compose)(t3 (*)(t2), t2 (*)(t1), t1)
(i.e., compose
is a pointer to a function that takes a pointer to a function t2 -> t3
, a pointer to a function t1 -> t2
, and a value of type t1
and then returns a value of type t3
), the Haskell code still isn't too bad:
ctype' :: String -> HType -> String
ctype' "" (H a) = a
ctype' x (H a) = a " " x
ctype' x funcall = go [] funcall
where go args (a :-> b) = go (ctype "" a : args) b
go args b = ctype ("(*" x ")(" intercalate ", " (reverse args) ")") b
The resulting function is much more ergonomic for implementation in C:
/* compose :: (t2 -> t3) -> ((t1 -> t2) -> (t1 -> t3)), uncurried version */
typedef t3 (*compose)(t3 (*)(t2), t2 (*)(t1), t1);
t3 compose0(t3 (*f)(t2), t2 (*g)(t1), t1 x)
return (*f)((*g)(x));
compose do_compose = compose0;
int main()
puts(do_compose(print, ord, 'A'));