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Blink Image element every N seconds once time WPF


I try to make style to Blink image every 0.5 sec for duration 6 second but I can't stop animation although I set Image Element style to null animation still continue

this Style I have try

<Style x:Key="imgBlink" TargetType="Image">
            <Trigger Property="Opacity" Value="1">
                        <Storyboard Name="blinkEffect" RepeatBehavior="1x">
                            <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Image.Opacity)" 
                                             From="1" To="0" Duration="0:0:0.5" AutoReverse="True"/>

and this is Code when I assign Style to image element

private void BtnLocateDevice_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (this.ImageElementReference != null)
                var sb = Application.Current.FindResource("imgBlink") as Style;
                if (sb != null) {
                    this.ImageElementReference.Style = sb;
        catch (Exception ex)

Anyone can help me thank you.

CodePudding user response:

Setting the style to null should do the work! also you can try:

  1. Define a defaul style
<Style x:Key="imgNoBlink" TargetType="Image" />

Then, you can use it to show non-animated image..

if (Application.Current.FindResource("imgNoBlink") is Style sb) 
    ImageElementReference.Style = sb;
  1. Or
ImageElementReference.Style = new Style(typeof(Image));
  1. Or, you can clear the EnterActions for Opacity property for the current style
var opacityTrigger = ImageElementReference.Style.Triggers
                .First(t => ((Trigger)t).Property.Name == "Opacity");
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