Home > other >  Python multi-process, when a child process to complete the task, how to end all processes?
Python multi-process, when a child process to complete the task, how to end all processes?


The following case, if the child process p1 has found the num, p1 will be terminated, but the child p2 will continue to run, I want find num p1 and p2, stop all other child processes, how to deal with this situation?
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The import multiprocessing
The import time

# traversal x-y range of Numbers, find a given num
Def foo (num, x, y) :
While x<=y:
If x==int (num) :
Print (x, 'is the number of')
The else:
Print (x)
X=x + 1

If __name__=="__main__ ':
Num=input (' num=') # enter a number to find
St1=time. Time () #
single process start timeFoo (num, x, y)
End1=time. Time () # single process end time

P1=multiprocessing. Process (target=foo, args=(num, x, int (y/2))) Process of # 1 traverse x ~ y/2
P2=multiprocessing. Process (target=foo, args=(num, int (y/2), y)) 2 # Process traversal y/2 ~ y
St2=time. Time () # processes start time is
P1. The start ()
P2. The start ()
P1. The join ()
P2. The join ()
End2=time. Time () # process to end more time

Print (' single process is: 'end1 - st1)
Print (' processes available: 'end2 - st2)
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