I am looking for a programming language or framework to run scripts in windows without having to download anything
I am sort of new to programming, I have mostly programmed in python using VSCode, and also in C# using Unity. I want to be able to transfer a script in a language to a windows computer, where I do not need to install anything in the other computer to run it. Python does not work for this because you need to download python. C# with .NET does not work because you need to download .NET and do some editing with admin privileges. What language and framework is already installed and done in windows?
CodePudding user response:
- Batch files
- VBScript and JScript (Windows Scripting Host) [Win98 ]
- MSHTA [Win2000 ?]
- Command line C# compiler included with Windows (csc.exe in one of the .NET framework folders in the Windows directory) [WinVista or .NET installed on 2000/XP]
- PowerShell [Win7 or installed on XP/Vista]