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The server hosting the dejected


1. The user's own problems
Server hosting to IDC business, most of the time is through the remote user to the server management way, host to provide network resources and security service, the server operating system and application services such as software problems, are not necessarily the cause of the service, sometimes because the operation of the users themselves, appear this kind of situation often is the user in the process of operation mistaken delete some software or some important documents, this case will need to users and service providers to do a good job of communication and understanding of the performance of the server be well, to do a good job of backup files at ordinary times, once appear, these issues can be back in time,

2. The IDC service provider network malfunction
Due to the network structure of the IDC service providers may be there are some problems, the link between the lines with backbone network operators do not have enough redundancy, if with the main line network suppliers appear problem, can affect the entire network, therefore, can be connected to multiple backbone network operators, even if one of the lines have a problem, the other can also provide normal service, in this way, can get the anti-risk ability is greatly improved, the general should be set as 30% of the bandwidth network redundancy, prevent the network congestion caused by the fault,

3. The normal operation of the application system
Installed servers will run a lot of application service, the type of these services, the more the more likely it is to affect the normal work of the server, especially have a larger server traffic, it is easy to appear problem, sometimes the owners when installing software often doesn't take into account the compatibility problems, eventually leading to software conflicts caused by the crash, this time to seek the aid of service providers is a good choice, because the compatibility between the service provider of software and server more clearly, if the two sides in the contract service provider can provide the generation of software services, can require service providers to set up the platform and install the software that is more safe and reliable,

4. Technical ability, wrong operation or operation is not standard
Still have a kind of situation is the server technical personnel is not professional, in the process of operation case of wrong operation or non-standard operation, cause server cannot work normally,

5. The hacker intrusion
In addition to the server itself, and management reasons, there will be an inevitable external factors, that is the hacker's invasion, which is the more common case, hackers on the server's influence is very big, may cause serious data loss and tampered with, and even paralysis of the entire server, so the server security is not allow to ignore, so do their software upgrade patch installation is also very important, which requires owners and service providers in peacetime shall do a good practice to find problems in time,
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