2017 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking
(IEEE 2017) CSCN
Helsinki, Finland, 18-21 September 2017
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we order the like to invite you to submit your work to the 2017 IEEE Conference On Standards for Communications & amp; Networking (CSCN’17) http://www.ieee-cscn.org/to be held in Helsinki, Finland’s capital 18 – 21 Sept., 2017. IEEE CSCN 2017 will be collocated with IEEE 5G-IoT Summit in Helsinki, together forming the Helsinki5GWeek. Standards play a key role in the success of the communications industry, as enablers of global systems inter-operability. IEEE CSCN aims for closing the gap between researchers, scientists and standards experts from academia, industry and different standardization bodies. It will serve as a platform for presenting and discussing standards-related topics in the areas of communications, networking and related disciplines, facilitating standards development as well as cooperation among the key players. IEEE CSCN will deliver high quality technical as well as visionary papers, which will be reviewed and selected by an international technical program committee (TPC) representing both academia and industry, with a strong standardization background. In 2017, IEEE CSCN will be divided into 5 tracks designed to cover the diverse space of technologies which together comprise a modern communication system and our connected society. The tracks solicit new and previously unpublished papers that address the emerging relevant architectures and the standardization approaches and strategies that these may take. For each track, paper topics may include (but are not limited to):
Track on Wireless Communication and Networking
- the Physical layer and MAC layer design for cellular and other wireless networks.
- the Dynamic scheduling, power control, interference management, and QoS management in 5 g wireless networks.
- Resource Management and Control in 5 g RAN (e.g. RAN Moderation, Traffic Steering, Mobility Control)
- Service - oriented user - plane design concepts (will functions provides, the functional placements, RAN/CN interface)
- the Topology, deployment, and optimization of wireless networks, o HetNets, ultra dense, and mesh networks, device to device communication, relays and wireless backhaul.
- Dynamic radio access and backhaul topologies -based on moving and unplanned small cells.
- mmWave access, backhaul and self - backhauling.
- Application of SDN, NFV, and cloud computing to 5 g (and legacy) RAN and core network architectures
- C - RAN and flexible fronthaul/backhaul.
- R& D and standardization activities forward 5 g and IMT - 2020
- Green and energy efficient wireless networks.
- Massive and FD - MIMO communications, hybrid and coordinated beamforming technology
- New control signaling for heterogeneous networks
- the Next - Generation wi-fi (IEEE 802.11 ax/ay)
- LTE/wi-fi/Wi - Gig interworking and aggregation
- 5 g operation and coexistence in unlicensed and Shared spectrum bands
- Massive MTC (mMTC), Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), and long short communications,
Automotive/V2X and ultra - reliable communications.
- the Next - generation non - RF communications systems,
- Spectrum regulation above 24 GHZ.
Track on the Internet of Things
- IoT architecture design and optimizations
- IoT security and privacy of IoT devices and services
- the System optimization to support Ultra - Low complexity devices
- Standardised semantic data description framework and technologies,
- IoT communication procedure to enhancements
- the Experience and lessons learnt for standards -based IoT large scale pilots
- IoT standards platforms interworking
- IoT interoperability methodologies
- 5 g Networks and IoT
- Software Defined Network (SDN) and IoT
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Factory of Things
- Edge Computing, Fog Computing and IoT
IPv6 -- -based IoT Networks
- IoT separate protocols to as IPv6, 6 lowpan, RPL, 6 tisch, WoT
- IoT security in the sense of massive IoT deployments, e.g., embedded SIM management
- URLLC for mission critical IoT
- V2X standards and architectures
Track on Softwarization and Network slicing
- Programmable Architecture for 5 g services and verticals.
- Cross - slice management
- Central Cloud Computing versus Edge - Fog Computing.