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minlength and maxlength, error validation in angular


this.employeeForm = this.fb.group({
      fullName: [
      email: [''],
      skills: this.fb.group({
        skillName: [''],
        experienceInYears: [''],
        proficiency: [''],

I am using the reactive form (angular) for validation and error showcase. But to show error message that, input entered by user is not between min and max criteria, I am facing problem.

<div >
                employeeForm.get('fullName')?.invalid &&
              please enter the valid full name
            <p *ngIf="employeeForm.get('fullName')?.errors">  <-- I am not able to access the minLength and maxLength after errors , therefore not able to show case the error message also
              Full name should be under min and max

how to showcase the error in case of error for min and max length. As after employeeForm.get('fullName')?.errors. no minLength / maxLenth nothing is coming.

thanks in advance

CodePudding user response:

the Toof_LD's answer is fine but if you would like to think about implementing more reusable code then please have a look at the custom validators. They are very easy to use, and once created, you can use anywhere in your application. Of course, this is a solution recommended when there is a lot of code checking the validation (such as in HTML) or when you need to perform more advanced validation.

Overall the syntax is very simple.

Syntax for a custom validator with no parameters:

function customValidator(control: AbstractControl): {[key: string]: boolean} | null {
   if(sthWrong) {
      return { yourValidatorName: true};
   return null;

Syntax for a validator with parameters:

function customValidatorWithParameters(parameters: any): ValidatorFn {
   return(control: AbstractControl): {[key: string]: boolean} | null {
      if(sthWrong) {
         return { yourValidatorName: true};
      return null;

The best part is that it all comes down to checking in HTML that the control is valid (eg by a true or false value). Below is an example with a simple use of a custom validator with parameters. https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-4tfvfd?file=src/app/app.component.ts

CodePudding user response:

Try this:

  • In .ts file:
get formControl(){
return this.employeeForm.controls;
  • in form template
<div >
            [ngClass]="{'is-invalid': isSubmitted && zaloControl.fullName.errors}"
         *ngIf="isSubmitted && formControl.fullName.errors">
        <ng-container *ngIf="formControl.fullName.errors.minLength || formControl.fullName.errors.maxLength ">
            please enter the valid full name
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