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When using Qt configuration Basler cameras and Opencv library can't compatible problems


in the use of Qt configured basler Gige camera and opencv library, the problems cannot be configured at the same time!!!!!

problems as follows, in the pro file:
About the basler camera, the use of manual configuration, add the following code:

$$(PYLON_DEV_DIR)/include \

LIBS +=\
- L $$(PYLON_DEV_DIR)/lib/x64

about opencv, use the "add library" automatic configuration, the code is as follows:
INCLUDEPATH +=D: \ Opencv, Opencv, Opencv, build \ include \
D: \ Opencv, Opencv, Opencv, build, include, Opencv,
D: \ Opencv, Opencv, Opencv, build \ include \ opencv2

Win32: CONFIG (release, the debug | release) : LIBS +=- LD:/Opencv/Opencv/Opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib/- lopencv_world349
The else: win32: CONFIG (debug, the debug | release) : LIBS +=- LD:/Opencv/Opencv/Opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib/- lopencv_world349d
The else: Unix: LIBS +=- LD:/Opencv/Opencv/Opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib/- lopencv_world349

INCLUDEPATH +=D:/Opencv/Opencv/Opencv/build/x64/vc15
DEPENDPATH +=D:/Opencv/Opencv/Opencv/build/x64/vc15

configuration in the pro file after the above code, in the main. CPP after adding the following code, compile the project
# include & lt; Opencv2/core/core. Hpp>
# include & lt; Opencv2 highgui/highgui. Hpp>
# include & lt; Opencv2/video/video. Hpp>
# include & lt; Pylon/PylonIncludes. H>
# include & lt; Pylon/gige BaslerGigECamera. H>

The following problems:
E: \ sealDetection \ CamBasler \ untitled \ main CPP: 6: : error C1083: cannot open include file: "pylon/PylonIncludes. H" : No to the file or directory
The reasons for this problem is probably not find basler library files,

so I built a test project, used to test the basler camera configuration path is correct, when I use the same configuration code basler camera ,
$$(PYLON_DEV_DIR)/include \
LIBS +=\
- L $$(PYLON_DEV_DIR)/lib/x64

configuration success!

then I built a test project, used to test the opencv library configuration path is correct,
INCLUDEPATH +=D: \ Opencv, Opencv, Opencv, build \ include \
D: \ Opencv, Opencv, Opencv, build, include, Opencv,
D: \ Opencv, Opencv, Opencv, build \ include \ opencv2

Win32: CONFIG (release, the debug | release) : LIBS +=- LD:/Opencv/Opencv/Opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib/- lopencv_world349
The else: win32: CONFIG (debug, the debug | release) : LIBS +=- LD:/Opencv/Opencv/Opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib/- lopencv_world349d
The else: Unix: LIBS +=- LD:/Opencv/Opencv/Opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib/- lopencv_world349

INCLUDEPATH +=D:/Opencv/Opencv/Opencv/build/x64/vc15
DEPENDPATH +=D:/Opencv/Opencv/Opencv/build/x64/vc15

configuration also success!

but when I see them at the same time configuration in a pro file, but only successful one configuration,
When I create a new project, put the basler camera configuration code in front of opencv, appear

E: \ sealDetection \ CamBasler \ untitled \ main CPP: 9: error: 'opencv2/core/core. HPP' file not found
I found that the two could not configured at the same time, whose configuration code before who can configure success,
This I worry I did not find a solution for several days!!

Can something help me? !!!!!
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