This is my pom. XML
<? The XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
XMLNS: xsi=""
Xsi: schemaLocation="" & gt;
4.0.0 & lt;/modelVersion>
3.2.1 & lt;/hadoop. Version>
3.0.0 - preview2 & lt;/spark. Version>
2.12.10 & lt;/scala. Version>
Org. Example
Org. Apache. Hadoop
Hadoop - client
3.2.1 & lt;/version>
Org. Apache. Spark
The spark - streaming_2. 12 & lt;/artifactId>
3.0.0 - preview2 & lt;/version>
Hadoop - client
Org. Apache. Hadoop
Org. Apache. Spark
Spark - streaming - kafka - 0-10 _2. 12 & lt;/artifactId>
3.0.0 - preview2 & lt;/version>
Org. Apache. Kafka
Kafka - clients
2.3.1 & lt;/version>
Mysql connector - java
5.1.29 & lt;/version>
Com. Google. Code. Gson
2.8.5 & lt;/version>
Org. Apache. Spark
The spark - sql_2. 12 & lt;/artifactId>
3.0.0 - preview2 & lt;/version>
Org. Apache. Kafka
Kafka_2. 12 & lt;/artifactId>
2.3.1 & lt;/version>
Org. Scala - tools
Maven scala - plugin
2.15.2 & lt;/version>
Maven - compiler - plugin
3.6.0 & lt;/version>
1.8 & lt;/source>
1.8 & lt;/target>
Org, apache maven. Plugins
Maven - surefire - plugin
2.19 & lt;/version>
After using the IDE is the IDEA, Build artifacts can't submit the jar package, CodePudding user response:
Your class name is called the test? Or a test package, - class parameter to specify the class names CodePudding user response:
I have already solved, as long as it is the cause of the package, and the groupid and ArtifactID as same as the name of the package