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SVG initial zoom not working correctly (Matrix Transform)


I've recreated the SVG map from this article

The first time you zoom out with the "-" it zooms in, then kind-off correctly itself and happily works both ways!

I cant figure out why its behaving like this, being no expert in matrix transformations ?


working Codepen with accepted answer fix applied


<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 250 150" id="map-svg">
<g id="matrix-group" transform="matrix(0.6400000000000001 0 0 0.6400000000000001 44.99999999999998 26.99999999999999)">        
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    <path id="NSW"  d="m 220.5,176.4 -2.4,-2.7 -2.4,-1.5 c -2.1,-0.3 -6.2,-1.1 -9.1,-1.8 l -5.4,-1.4 -8.2,-10.4 -2.8,-0.7 -2.8,-0.7 -1,-1.9 -1,-1.9 -3.9,0 -4,1.5 0,-30.9 c 5.8,0.4 22.5,1.4 25.3,1.6 l 23.5,1.4 4.8,-1.2 c 4.6,-1.1 5.7,-2.1 8.3,-2 0,0 0.9,2.3 1.9,2.8 1.1,0.5 2.5,0.1 3.7,-0.3 1.1,-0.4 2,-2 3.1,-1.8 l 2.8,0.5 -1.3,5.1 c -0.7,2.7 -2.1,7.5 -2.9,10.9 -1.8,8.3 -3.1,11.6 -5.3,13.4 l -1.8,1.5 -4.1,12.5 c -2.2,6.9 -4.2,13.5 -4.4,14.7 l -0.3,2.2 -5.3,-4 -4.4,-4.2"></path>
    <path id="SA"  d="m 176,181 -6.8,-9.4 0.7,-3.7 0.7,-3.7 -5.6,-6 -2.2,0.8 0.7,-7.8 -1.1,0 c -1.1,0 -2.2,1.1 -4.6,4.5 l -1.4,2 1,-4.8 c 0.6,-2.7 0.8,-5 0.6,-5.3 -0.8,-0.8 -6.1,2.5 -7.9,4.8 -0.9,1.2 -1.9,2 -2.1,1.8 -0.2,-0.3 -1.6,-2.6 -3.1,-5.2 l -2.7,-4.7 -11.4,-2.6 -19.2,0.2 -5.8,2.6 C 102.7,146.2 99,147.2 99,147 l 0,-44 77,0 z"></path>    
    <g id="NT" >
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<circle cx="25" cy="25" r="21" fill="white" opacity="0.75"></circle>
<path  onclick="pan(0, 25)" d="M25 5 l6 10 a20 35 0 0 0 -12 0z"></path>
<path  onclick="pan(25, 0)" d="M5 25 l10 -6 a35 20 0 0 0 0 12z"></path>
<path  onclick="pan(0,-25)" d="M25 45 l6 -10 a20, 35 0 0,1 -12,0z"></path>
<path  onclick="pan(-25, 0)" d="M45 25 l-10 -6 a35 20 0 0 1 0 12z"></path>

<circle  cx="25" cy="25" r="10"></circle>
<circle  cx="25" cy="20.5" r="4" onclick="zoom(0.8)"></circle>
<circle  cx="25" cy="29.5" r="4" onclick="zoom(1.25)"></circle>

<rect  x="23" y="20" width="4" height="1"></rect>
<rect  x="23" y="29" width="4" height="1"></rect>
<rect  x="24.5" y="27.5" width="1" height="4"></rect>
    .territory {
        fill: #a9a9a9;
    .territory:hover {
        fill: #22aa44;
    .compass {
        fill: #fff;
        stroke: #000;
        stroke-width: 1;
    .button {
        fill: #225EA8;
        stroke: #0C2C84;
        stroke-width: 0.5;
        stroke-linecap: round;
    .button:hover {
        stroke-width: 1;
    .plus-minus {
        fill: #fff;
        pointer-events: none;


var transformMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
var svg = document.getElementById("map-svg");
var viewbox = svg.getAttributeNS(null, "viewBox").split(" ");
var centerX = parseFloat(viewbox[2]) / 2;
var centerY = parseFloat(viewbox[3]) / 2;
var matrixGroup = svg.getElementById("matrix-group");

function pan(dx, dy) {
  transformMatrix[4]  = dx;
  transformMatrix[5]  = dy;
  var newMatrix = "matrix("   transformMatrix.join(" ")   ")";
  matrixGroup.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", newMatrix);

function zoom(scale) {
  for (var i = 0; i < transformMatrix.length; i  ) {
    transformMatrix[i] *= scale;

  transformMatrix[4]  = (1 - scale) * centerX;
  transformMatrix[5]  = (1 - scale) * centerY;

  var newMatrix = "matrix("   transformMatrix.join(" ")   ")";
  matrixGroup.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", newMatrix);

CodePudding user response:

You might need to initialize the components of transformMatrix based on the transform specified in the HTML.

var transformMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
// :
var matrixGroup = svg.getElementById("matrix-group");

var initialMatrix = matrixGroup.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix;
transformMatrix = [ initialMatrix.a, initialMatrix.b, initialMatrix.c, initialMatrix.d, initialMatrix.e, initialMatrix.f ]; 

// :
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