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read and write without section ini file


There is an ini file format

########## Order section ##########
Key = 88888*

how can I edit what is behind the = ? I tried in many ways, but since there are no sections in the ini file, I can’t figure out how to change the values Value1 and 999 and 88888*?

Tried splitting strings with split "=" , but failed to change values. and also add new lines to the file? after Key = 88888*

1.If there are spaces or text in the textbox, then it does not work.

const string filepath = @"C:\Users\123\Desktop\Config.ini";
string text = File.ReadAllText(filepath);

const string PATTERN = @"KeyOne=(?<Number>[\d\.] )";
Match match = Regex.Match(text, PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
   int index = match.Groups["Number"].Index;
   int length = match.Groups["Number"].Length;

   text = text.Remove(index, length);
   text = text.Insert(index, Program.form1.textBox11.Text);

   File.WriteAllText(filepath, text);

CodePudding user response:

An INI file has a well defined structure composed by one or many [Sections] and zero or many pairs of [Key]=[Value] under each section. A file without at least a section is not a proper INI file and the standard windows API GetPrivateProfileString and WritePrivateProfileString are not able to read a file with that format.

However, your file is a lot simpler than a standard INI file. It is just composed by pairs of [Key]=[Value] so it is a naturally perfect fit for a Dictionary<string, string>

Reading it coud be simple as

Dictionary<string, string> GetConfigData(string fileName)
    Dictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
    foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(fileName))
        var lineData = line.Split('=');
        data.Add(lineData[0], lineData[1]);
    return data;

and writing back that dictionary is even simpler

void WriteConfigData(string fileName, Dictionary<string, string> data)
    File.WriteAllLines(fileName, data.Select(z => $"{z.Key}={z.Value}{Environment.NewLine}"));

Now if you want to change some value you could have

var data = GetConfigData("yourbadinifile.ini");
data["KeyValue"] = "a new value";
WriteConfigData("yourbadinifile.ini", data);
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