Reshipment for several times, bridge network were tried, and l3 network model is to create an instance of tip: in the process of NoValidHost: No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.
According to the log to every time is neutron binding port error, as follows:
The ERROR neutron. Plugins. Ml2. Managers [the req - 118 e5f95 - e840-401 - f - b87b - e1d67923b5d4 ffc6202803ec450d97db932829d449ac 6 beaa5048fe44985be42753930348548 -] Failed to bind port a5267bea f06 - a5bd f63b - 4-6 bfd93b3d307 on host compute1 for vnic_type normal using segments [{' segmentation_id: None, 'physical_network: None,' id ': u' f6ca0ee4 - fc9 ba0c - 4 - ae09 - d7250c8a3fdb ', 'network_type: u' local '}]
Is there anyone friends come across this kind of situation, may be a physical network card does not support?
View all service status is normal, in addition to it the inside of the server list instance display an error, because the error for