I am trying to use the .Find function to find two strings and determine which row they are in. For this example the two strings that I am looking for are "Wavelength" and "Test-Config" as shown in the rowindex = getrowindex(sysnum, "Wavelength", "Test-Config") line. For this case it works fine, however, for my next line rowindex_1 = getrowindex(sysnum, "Wavelength Range", "ModTst,FunctionalTest,ShpPrp")
I want to use .Find
to see the row that has column B value of "Wavelength Range" and column C that contains "FunctionalTest"
without having the have the full "ModTst,FunctionalTest,ShpPrp"
be included as the input string to the function getrowindex
I have attached all my code. It currently can run up until rowindex_1 = getrowindex(sysnum, "Wavelength Range", "ModTst,FunctionalTest,ShpPrp")
which it stops at since in Column C there is no cell value of ModTst,FunctionalTest,ShpPrp
as it is case sensitive. However, I want it to still go ahead and say if column C cell value = FunctionalTest
then find that row index with Wavelength Range
and FunctionalTest
Public Sub Main()
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, dict As Object, sysrow As Integer, sysnum As String, wsName As String
Dim wbSrc As Workbook, SDtab As Worksheet
Dim colindex As Long
Dim spectyp As Long, specmin As Long, specmax As Long
Dim sweep_value As Double, sweep_value_max As Double
Dim rowindex As Double, rowindex_1 As Double
Dim Value As Double
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.ActiveSheet
Set wbSrc = Workbooks.Open("Q:Specification and Configuration Document.xlsx")
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In ws.Range("E2", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp)).Cells
sysnum = cell.Value
sysrow = cell.Row
syscol = cell.Column
If sysnum = "" Then
MsgBox "No WD number, skipping to next row."
GoTo Skip
End If
If Not dict.Exists(sysnum) Then
dict.Add sysnum, True
If Not SheetExists(sysnum, ThisWorkbook) Then
wsName = cell.EntireRow.Columns("D").Value
If SheetExists(wsName, wbSrc) Then
wbSrc.Worksheets(wsName).Copy after:=ws
wb.Worksheets(wsName).name = sysnum
Set SDtab = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ws.Index 1)
Debug.Print SDtab.name
End If
spectyp = getcolumnindex(SDtab, "Spec Typical")
specmin = getcolumnindex(SDtab, "SPEC min")
specmax = getcolumnindex(SDtab, "SPEC max")
' Wavelength Tuning Range Section
colindex = getcolumnindex(ws, "Tuning Range (nm)")
Value = getjiradata(ws, sysrow, colindex) ' wavelength tuning range value
rowindex = getrowindex(sysnum, "Wavelength Range", "Test-Config-OCT")
rowindex_1 = getrowindex(sysnum, "Wavelength Range", "ModTst,FunctionalTest,ShpPrp")
End Sub
Function SheetExists(SheetName As String, wb As Workbook)
On Error Resume Next
SheetExists = Not wb.Sheets(SheetName) Is Nothing
End Function
Function getcolumnindex(sht As Worksheet, colname As String)
Dim paramname As Range
Set paramname = sht.Range("A1:Z2").Find(What:=colname, Lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlFormulas, searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=True)
If Not paramname Is Nothing Then
getcolumnindex = paramname.Column
End If
End Function
Function getjiradata(sht As Worksheet, WDrow As Integer, parametercol As Long)
getjiradata = sht.Cells(WDrow, parametercol)
End Function
Function getrowindex(WDnum As Variant, parametername As String, routingname As String)
Dim parameter_row As Range, ws As Worksheet, rowname As Range, addr As String
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WDnum)
Set rowname = ws.Columns("B").Find(What:=parametername, Lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlFormulas, MatchCase:=True)
If Not rowname Is Nothing Then
addr = rowname.Address
If rowname.Offset(0, 1).Value = routingname Then
getrowindex = rowname.Row
Exit Do
End If
Set rowname = ws.Columns("B").FindNext(after:=rowname)
Loop While rowname.Address <> addr
End If
End Function
CodePudding user response:
Like this (added a couple of parameters to control whether exact or partial match is used). Match type defaults to exact.
Sub Tester()
Dim rnum As Long
rnum = getrowindex("Sheet1", "Wavelength Range", "FunctionalTest", partialSecond:=True)
Debug.Print rnum
End Sub
'Find the row number on sheet `WDnum` where ColB matches `parametername` and
' ColC matches `routingname`. Use exact or partial match based on optional parameters
' `partialFirst` and `partialSecond`
Function getrowindex(WDnum As Variant, parametername As String, routingname As String, _
Optional partialFirst As Boolean = False, Optional partialSecond As Boolean = False)
Dim parameter_row As Range, ws As Worksheet, rowname As Range, addr As String
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WDnum)
Set rowname = ws.Columns("B").Find(What:=parametername, _
Lookat:=IIf(partialFirst, xlPart, xlWhole), LookIn:=xlFormulas, MatchCase:=True)
If Not rowname Is Nothing Then
addr = rowname.Address
If partialSecond Then routingname = "*" & routingname & "*"
If rowname.Offset(0, 1).Value Like routingname Then
getrowindex = rowname.Row
Exit Do
End If
Set rowname = ws.Columns("B").FindNext(after:=rowname)
Loop While rowname.Address <> addr
End If
End Function