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Use VLookUp table to set variable to equal a value


I have created a table on a worksheet within my workbook titled LookUpTable where it has data that looks like this


What I want to do is reference that table to set variables to equal the table cell values within my if statement. Here is a portion of my code.

 If sweeprate_value = 50 Then
    sweep_value = 49.8
    sweep_value_max = 50.2
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, specmin, sweep_value)
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, specmax, sweep_value_max)
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex, spectyp, sweeprate_value)
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, spectyp, sweeprate_value)
ElseIf sweeprate_value = 100 Then
    sweep_value = 99.8
    sweep_value_max = 100.2
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, specmin, sweep_value)
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, specmax, sweep_value_max)
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex, spectyp, sweeprate_value)
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, spectyp, sweeprate_value)
Else: sweeprate_value = 200
    sweep_value = 199.4
    sweep_value_max = 200.4
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, specmin, sweep_value)
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, specmax, sweep_value_max)
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex, spectyp, sweeprate_value)
    Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, spectyp, sweeprate_value)
End If

Where I have the lines sweep_value = 49.8 sweep_value_max = 50.2 currently when I debug they both equal 50 which is not what I would like. For this case since sweeprate_value = 50 then sweep_value should = 49.8 and sweep_value_max should = 50.2 as shown in the VLookUp table. Then follow the same flow for the other values. I do not want the values to be hardcoded into the script but rather reference the table to which those values could be changed if needed.

CodePudding user response:

Either you set the values hardcoded like this. Make sure you have an error on non supported sweep rates. Do not repeat code.

Dim sweeprate_value As Long
Dim sweep_value As Double
Dim sweep_value_max As Double

If sweeprate_value = 50 Then
    sweep_value = 49.8
    sweep_value_max = 50.2
ElseIf sweeprate_value = 100 Then
    sweep_value = 99.8
    sweep_value_max = 100.2
ElseIf sweeprate_value = 200 Then
    sweep_value = 199.4
    sweep_value_max = 200.4
    MsgBox "A SweepRate Value of """ & sweeprate_value & """ is not supported.", vbCritical   vbOKonly
    Exit Sub
End If

Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, specmin, sweep_value)
Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, specmax, sweep_value_max)
Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex, spectyp, sweeprate_value)
Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, spectyp, sweeprate_value)

Or you use a lookup:

Dim sweeprate_value As Long
' don't know where your sweeprate_value comes from so you get it here

Dim LookUpTable As Worksheet
Set LookUpTable = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("LookUpTable")

Dim FoundAt As Double  ' get the row number of the `sweeprate_value` in the  LookUpTable
FoundAt = 0  ' initialize (needed if this is used in a loop!)
On Error Resume Next  ' next line will error if that `sweeprate_value` is not in the LookUpTable. Catch that error and hide it.
FoundAt = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(sweeprate_value, LookUpTable.Range("A:A"), 0)
On Error GoTo 0  ' re-activate error reporting!

' if `sweeprate_value` is not in the LookUpTable stop
If FoundAt = 0 Then
    MsgBox "A SweepRate Value of """ & sweeprate_value & """ is not supported.", vbCritical   vbOKOnly
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim sweep_value As Double
sweep_value = LookUpTable.Cells(FoundAt, "B").Value

Dim sweep_value_max As Double
sweep_value_max = LookUpTable.Cells(FoundAt, "C").Value

Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, specmin, sweep_value)
Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, specmax, sweep_value_max)
Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex, spectyp, sweeprate_value)
Call updateSD(sysnum, sweeprate_rowindex_1, spectyp, sweeprate_value)
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