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rails server running in production model but can not access from internet


I recently updated ruby to 2.6.10 (from 2.1.0), and rails to 4.2.8 (from 4.1.8) after starting the server in production mode

sudo RAILS_ENV=production /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/shims/rails s -p 80
=> Booting WEBrick
=> Rails 4.2.8 application starting in production on http://localhost:80
=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
[2022-10-09 13:39:04] INFO  WEBrick 1.4.4
[2022-10-09 13:39:04] INFO  ruby 2.6.10 (2022-04-12) [x86_64-linux]
[2022-10-09 13:39:04] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=25476 port=80

It didn't complain anything, but type in http://xx.xx.xx.xx:80/main/home in public chrome browser shows "this site cannot be reached"

running sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN shows

privoxy   24676    privoxy    4u  IPv4 308828941      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
privoxy   24676    privoxy    5u  IPv4 308828942      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
ruby      25476       root    7u  IPv4 308931749      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
mongod    26844    mongodb    8u  IPv4 167571089      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
tor       27283 debian-tor    7u  IPv4 167571327      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
sshd      28852       root    3u  IPv4 167571990      0t0  TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
sshd      28852       root    4u  IPv6 167571992      0t0  TCP *:22 (LISTEN)

How to check what is going on?

CodePudding user response:

After some trials and error, I noticed rails 4.2.8 does not default to listening (while 4.1.8 does)

so in order to listen publicly, I need to run

sudo RAILS_ENV=production /home/ubuntu/.rbenv/shims/rails s -b0.0.0.0 -p 80

or add the following to boot.rb

require 'rails/commands/server'

module Rails
  class Server
    alias :default_options_bk :default_options
    def default_options
      default_options_bk.merge!(Host: '')
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