Listen, 80;
Server_name *.;
If ($host ~ * ^ ([. ^ \] +) \. ([. ^ \] +) \. ([. ^ \] +) \. ([. ^ \] +) $) {
The set $subdomain $1;
The set $mD2 $2. $3. $4;
The set $d2 $2;
The set $d3 $3;
The location/{
Rewrite ^/$/index. The JSP? CDM=$subdomain last;
# proxy_pass; # this access right page
Proxy_pass http://$mD2/; # 502 bad Gateway
# proxy_pass http://$; # 502 bad Gateway
# proxy_pass http://${d2}. ${d3}. ${d4}/; # 502 bad Gateway
# proxy_pass $mD2/; # 502 bad Gateway
CodePudding user response:
The location ^ ~/wap/{
If ($request_uri ~/wap/(\ d +)/(. +))
The set $bucketid $1;
The set $params $2;
Proxy_pass http://mx$$params;
Is in the local set first?
CodePudding user response:
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Delete my reply is what mean??????????????????????????????????????????????????