Home > other >  typeid(*this).name() returns null pointer on delegated constructor of std::exception subclass
typeid(*this).name() returns null pointer on delegated constructor of std::exception subclass


I found a strange behavior running this small snippet of code compiled with clang:

#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <typeinfo>

struct Foo : public std::exception {
    std::string myString;
    Foo(const std::string& str) : myString(str) {}
    Foo() : Foo(typeid(*this).name()) {}

int main()
    Foo f;
    std::cout << f.myString;

The instruction typeid(*this).name() called inside the delegated constructor returns a nullptr that causes a segmentation fault. During the delegated constructor call std::exception base class is not yet initialized and this seems the cause of this behavior.

I'm wondering if this code is ill-formed for some reason, or this behavior is expected.

I cannot reproduce this bug with g , where the code runs fine.

It also occurs only if the base class is std::exception, in any other case it works fine even on clang.

CodePudding user response:

This has undefined behavior. typeid is allowed to be applied to the object under construction in the constructor, also the member initializer list, but only after construction of all base class subobjects has completed. See [class.base.init]/16.

If typeid(*this) was used after the base classes have been constructed, then [class.cdtor]/5 would describe the behavior of typeid in this specific situation. (It would return the type_info corresponding to Foo irregardless of whether Foo is the most-derived type.)

I think this is only supposed to apply though if *this has polymorphic type, i.e. Foo has a (inherited) virtual member function (std::exception::what and std::exception::~exception in your case). The current wording doesn't seem to clearly separate this, but for non-polymorphic types the expression shouldn't even be evaluated, so it can't matter that *this refers to the object under construction. There are related open CWG issues, e.g. CWG issue 1517.

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