The import requests as rq
The from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS
The import jieba
The import time
The import sys
The import matplotlib as PLT
The import matplotlib. Pyplot as plt1
Import the random
The import OS
The import CSV
The import imageio
The import wordcloud
Def getHtml () :
# set the request header to prevent by the crawler test
"The user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64. X64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36 ",
"Accept" : "*/*",
"Accept - the Encoding", "gzip, deflate",
"Connection" : "keep alive -}
# url_java_list=[]
# url_php_list=[]
# if a. power ()=="python" :
{} url_python=" FilterOption=2 & amp; Sid=9 f0a0fe0139a4177a5235849fc13c128 "# python job site format
{} url_java=" FilterOption=2 & amp; Sid=fa689b8226cc43cda1fc58081041a81d "# Java position url format
Url_python_list=[url_python format (I) for I in range (1, 3)] # generate 30 pages before the url list
Test_web="HTTP:// FilterOption=2 & amp; Sid=9 f0a0fe0139a4177a5235849fc13c128 "
# 30 pages before the crawl recruitment information
For I in url_python_list:
Rs=rq. Get (I, headers=headers)
StatusCode=rs. Status_code
If statusCode==200:
Print (" crawl web {} success ". The format (I))
Rs. Encoding='uft - 8'
# return rs. Text
Getdata (rs. Text)
The else:
Print (" crawl web {} failure ". The format (I))
"Return" Failed to get the url HTML
X=random. Randint (5, 10) # set random sleep seconds, prevent each request time interval by the same crawler detection (second layer)
Time. Sleep (x)
Def getdata (HTML) :
Soup=BS (HTML, "HTML parser") # get HTML
Salary_information=soup. Find_all (" span ", {" class ":" money "}) # get salary information
Address_information=soup. Find_all (" span ", {" class ":" add "}) # get company address information
Position_information=soup. Find_all (h3) # get jobs information
# generate salary list
For salary in salary_information:
Sal=salary. The text
Salary_list. Append (sal)
# to generate address list
For the address in address_information:
The add=address. Text
Address_list. Append (add)
# generate jobs demand list
For the position in position_information:
Pos=position. The string
Position_list. Append (pos)
# information generated total list
For I in range (len (position_list) :
Information_list. Append ([address_list [I], position_list [I], salary_list [I]])
Writetxt (information_list)
Return information_list
# written to the file function
Def writetxt (txtList, fileName="information. TXT") :
OpenWay='a' if OS. Path. The exists (fileName) else 'w' # if an extra text file name already exists, whether does not exist to create a new file
With the open (fileName, openWay, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
For x in txtList:
The line=list (map (STR, x))
The line="^". Join (line) + '\ n'
Fp. Write (line)
Print (" {} file is written to success ". The format (fileName))
# write a CSV file
Def txt_to_csv (fileCSV, fileTXT='information. TXT') :
The dataList=[]
With the open (fileTXT, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as fp:
Lines=fp. Readlines ()
For the line in lines:
The line=line. Strip () # remove \ n
Row=line. The split (' ^ ') # split data
DataList. Append (row) # list
DataList. Insert (0, [" location ", "post", "salary"])
With the open (fileCSV, 'w', newline=', encoding="utf-8 - sig") as fp:
Writer.=the CSV writer (fp)
Writer. Writerows (dataList)
Print (' {} 'file is written to success. The format (fileCSV))
Return dataList
Def drawBar (csvfilename='text. CSV) :
With the open (csvfilename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fp:
F=CSV. DictReader (fp)
For the row in f:
# s=STR (row [" salary "])
# s1=s.r eplace (" k ", "")
# s2=s1. Replace (" - ", ", ")
# s3=s2. The split () ", "
# salary. Append (round (((eval (s3 [0]) + eval (s3) [1])/2), 2))
T=STR (row [" location "])
T1=t [: 2)
Address. Append (t1)
For I in range (len (salary) :
Sa_add. Append (address [I] + STR (salary) [I])
# def drawPie () :
# def drawScatter () :
X=getHtml ()
Y=txt_to_csv (" text. CSV "


