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Dynamic sites


1 yum install y HTTPD mariadb - PHP - mysql server mariadb PHP gd PHP - gd install yum
2 systemctl start HTTPD mariadb start
3 systemctl enable HTTPD mariadb startup
4 wget http://download.comsenz.com/DiscuzX/2.5/Discuz_X2.5_SC_UTF8.zip wget download the installation package
5 the mkdir -p/webroot/discuz create discuz file
6 unzip Discuz_X3. 4 _sc_utf8. Zip decompression Discuz_X3. 4 _sc_utf8. Zip
7 cp - rf/*/webroot/discuz/upload, please upload file copy all files to the webroot/discuz
8 chown -r apache. Apache/webroot/discuz/webroot/discuz set permissions apache
9 vim/etc/HTTPD/conf. D/discuz. Conf editor discuz file configuration
ServerName www.discuz.com

The Require all granted

10 systemctl restart HTTPD restart HTTPD
11 the mysql database
12 mariadb [(none)] & gt; The create database discuz; Create the database
13 show database: check the database to create the
14 elinks installation page
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