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Electronic communications in the common interference factors and control methods


Abstract: the application of electronic communications for the development of various industries have played an important role in promoting, along with the progress of The Times, are also gradually increase to the requirement of communication, in order to further enhance the level of development of the electric power communication, need to research on the related technology in the field of electric power communication, electronic communication will be the common interference factors and its control method is discussed, so as to provide reference for the industry,
Key words: electronic communication; Common interference factors; Control technology
Preface: electronic communication is mainly through the electronic signals to communicate a kind of method, at present, has been applied to many areas, play a role at the same time, in People's Daily life, wireless communication technology is applied more and more widely, such as WIFI, for electronic communication is to communicate with the help of electromagnetic wave, therefore, will inevitably be outside electromagnetic environment interference, resulting in wireless electronic communication quality is affected, in order to ensure good communication effect, need to comprehensive analysis of various interference factors, at the same time with scientific approach, in order to realize the reasonable control of the various interference factors,
One, the overview of electronic communication
In advanced electronic science and technology and the development of network technology, the electronic information age has arrived, electronic communication technology rapidly has been used in various fields, especially in the field of local area network communication, is widely used, well received by the users and popular, but the cable communication technology has many disadvantages, so in places where the communication environment is relatively poor, the transmission of information to use wireless communication technology, such as bluetooth, it greatly improves the convenience of communication, but also appeared some problems in practical application, for example, it is suitable for short distance communication and make it slowly replaced by WIFI communication technology, electronic communication operation stage, it is easy to be outside interference of other factors, also be affected, so that the signal transmission makes a player put the incorrect signals, in order to ensure the overall stability of electronic communications, should be combined with the interference factors are common in the electronic communications and control countermeasures are discussed, as well as a full investigation on surrounding environment, in order to find out the interference factors, formulate scientific strategy of anti-interference
Second, common interference factors in the electronic communications
1, the hardware interference
For electronic communication technology, hardware quality and communication quality there is a close relationship, belongs to the medium of communication technology, hardware need time in good running condition, hardware failure, equipment damage or network connection failure, will have an effect on the wireless local area network (LAN), severe cases can lead to communication systems, therefore, in such cases, the need to undergo screening of various equipment, check the network connection state, under the condition of network is more complex, it is difficult to directly check out the problems of equipment fault or the client, it also has a strict requirements on staff's professional ability,
2, interference and control technology
The existence of interference in electronic communication, configuration is very common, once appear, configuration interference in the communication network, can produce very big effect to communication signals, it will weaken the strength of the signal, to make it disappear, and eventually lead to the network configuration errors, in wireless local area network communication, once appear, configuration, will directly cause the disappearance of the communication, Internet brings great inconvenience to people,
3, the same frequency interference
In wireless networks in use process, the signal output power is affected, depending on the type of spectrum width and signal, to find the original signal interference sources, are processed by means of appropriate shielding interference sources or remove, the correct configuration mode can satisfy the requirement of the channel, to avoid interference,
Three, electronic communication interference factors control measures
1, hardware interference control measures
2, the allocation of interference control measures
For reasonable control configuration interference, should be reasonable to carry out the signal detection operation, clear configuration interference intensity, in order to determine the scope of the interference of the actual configuration, should also be comprehensive detection of channel usage, although this way will consume more time, but for the breakdown of the plays an important role, in order to realize the reasonable control of the configuration interference should also planned to carry out the configuration of the inspection work, record check information, as far as possible to ensure the scientific nature of the configuration control,
Interference in the event of configuration, you need to test the strength of the configuration, although a weak signal, the location of the configuration does not change, to change the channel access wireless point at this time, or the application of wireless terminals, so as to realize the detection of the signal, is used a lot in the wireless communication protocol, such as WEP protocol, the protocol is mainly for data encryption, and wireless transmission through the protocol can effectively resist the illegal users to the network to monitor, if the agreement fails, will cause the IP address of the wireless network can't provide effective, which directly caused by external users can't connected to the network problems, therefore to regular maintenance of agreement, make its function, in addition, the problem of the DHCP protocol is one of the common configuration interference, it is a more general local network protocol, IP address can be assigned to the internal network or Internet providers, also allows network administrators to manage the network by the agreement, in the play a core role in the operation of the network, thus completes the maintenance work is very important to the agreement, should be timely inspection on its working condition, and troubleshoot problems,
There are also some important configuration requires high degree of attention, such as customer network to use tables, etc., all the access points must be access to the list of customers, only after the list got the network access, can normal visit to the network, no authentication of users, can't for network access, usually the list is safe, but in some special cases, the list of data may change, the customer's MAC address may also be lost, which can cause cannot be connected to the client's situation, in order to effectively solve the problem, in the process of the activation of client list, the administrator shall be reasonable for each access point Settings, network security is improved,
3, the same frequency interference control measures
According to the existing frequency signal transmission control structure, the need to acquire accurate information in the process of signal analysis and real-time communication as the foundation, through ascension information broadband solution ability, on the basis of existing completes the anti-infection treatment work, practice shows that the working principle of receiver is given priority to with arrangement sequence number, according to the application requirements of sequence code, if you can't influence on the signal, the analysis in the actual processing phase to form ways work, only to do a good job of frequency processing, reasonable planning, in order to avoid interference, about the capacity, frequency and other indicators, each indicator is restraining each other, to optimize the three relations, assuring maximum lose the input and output,
Conclusion: the development of electronic communications for the social progress has the great influence, in order to further ensure that the quality of electronic communication, the need in practice to deal with the problems of signal interference interference mainly includes three kinds of interference of electronic communications, for the processing of various interference factors, need comprehensive consideration of various factors, so as to realize effective control of the various interference factors, improve the level of electronic communication, promoting effect to the progress of electronic communications industry
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