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SAIL - IMX6Q ANDROID development environment building and system compilation


SAIL - IMX6Q ANDROID development environment building and system compiled
1 the android development environment to build
1.1 upgrade development environment source
The terminal execute the command: # apt - get the update as shown:

Upgrade is complete, as shown:

1.2 installation development environment dependent libraries
The terminal execute the command: # apt - get the install gnupg flex bison libc6 - dev libncurses5 - dev: i386 x11proto - core - dev libx11 - dev: i386 libreadline6 - dev: i386 libgl1 mesa - dev g + + - multilib mingw32 tofrodos python - markdown libxml2 - utils xsltproc zlib1g - dev: i386 DPKG -- dev libsdl - dev git gperf build - essential libncurses5 libncurses5 - dev libx11 - dev libesd0 - dev uuid uuid - dev liblz - dev liblzo2-2 liblzo2 - dev lzop git - core curl u - the boot - tools MTD - utils to android - tools - fsutils its - 7 - the jdK for the installation of the library, as shown:

The terminal input "y" then press enter, as shown in figure:

The installation was successful, as shown in the figure:

Note: if the installation is not successful, please install command for many times, sometimes, because of the delay can't can a successful installation,

2 SAIL - IMX6Q ANDROID compiled
Before compiling guarantee at least not less than 50 g of disk space,
Due to the android source code is too large, it is recommended that the compilation process of the android source code package in a virtual machine Shared folder, and then to extract the android source code to the virtual machine
In ubuntu terminal, use # sudo su command, enter the password login the root user, the terminal execute the command:
# mkdir/fat (new/fat/directory)
# CD/MNT/HGFS gongxiang/(access to the directory)
# tar ZXVF android_m6. 0.1 _sailfish. Tar. Gz - C/fat/(to extract the android source code to/fat/folder)
Note: (/MNT/HGFS gongxiang Shared folder path, the directory is a virtual machine name gongxiang is according to your own definition,)
As shown in figure:

Extract the complete, as shown:

Execute the command: # CD/fat/into/fat/directory,
Execute the command: # CD android_m6. 0.1 _sailfish android_m6. 0.1 _sailfish/directory, as shown:

Execute the command: # source build/envsetup. Sh as shown:

Command execution success, as shown:

Execute the command: # lunch as shown:

Command execution success, as shown:

Input: # 11

Perform success as shown in figure:

Compile command: # make - j8 2 & gt; & 1 | tee build - log. TXT as shown:

Compile successfully, as shown:

So far the android source code to compile, compile successfully generated burn files in the out/target/product/sabresd_6dq/directory, respectively is the boot - sail - imx6q. Img recovery - sail - imx6q. Img system. Img u - the boot - imx6q. Took imx,
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